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The door was slammed open from the outside which forced Vincent to back away. The others in the room quickly stood up with angry looks plastered onto their faces as the 'intruder' walked in.

"Now this is just unfair...having a get together without me-how could you!?" smiled the 'intruder'.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Roxy" replied fritz with visible distaste in his face. Roxy smirked which then lead to her chuckling as she put her had on her hips.

"That's no way to talk to your cousin"

"Shut the fuck up, you walking mess" He snarled.

"Rude. Anyways, you guys are need to come with me" She snarled back, clearly holding back her need to kill the man in front of her. 

"What makes you think we will go?" Y/n asked "You can't just barge into our room, ruin our party and the FORCE us to go with you-what the fuck!?" They shout. Roxy kisses her teeth.

"I already hate most of you here-if not then all of you, so why would I need to talk to you guys!? I just hate to say this but it isn't me who wants you guys, it's my boss. And MANNN I gotta say that he's a busy man with little patience don't have a choice here...sorry :D " She smiled and with that they were drugged and dragged away.


Vincent POV


Some time had passed since we were kidnapped by that demented fox or wolf or whatever the fuck she is. The thing is with these dumbasses is that they really didn't do there homework and know that because of a certain glitch I'm immune to petty things like drugs or that I can see through my blind fold.

Yes these dumbasses left me with my blind fold on cause they thought that I still wouldn't be able to see even if I was awake...for fucks sake

Suddenly the car stopped and we were roughly pulled out of the car to a big ass building with a giant "A" on top of it. Kinda reminds me of the avengers logo 

We were being led to this big room and once the doors were open we were greeted with people staring at us. The guards pulled the others sacks they put over their heads off as the left me with my blind fold on.

" Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in" A familiar voice sung, we look up to see Terrence Afton there in all his shitty glory. I quickly glance to y/n as I know-we all know how pissed they were with him for what he did to them. He seemed to have noticed them and his eyes somewhat turned into love hearts, just upon seeing them. Y/n looked away in annoyance kissing their teeth. I was getting impatient so I spoke up.

" Lets cut to the chase- why the fuck are we here?" I asked. Terrence shrugged, more like he didn't give a fuck-he was to busy staring into y/n soul.


I wanna go home

I didn't even finish my drink and now I have a headache 

Why is HE here

Ahhh of course hes here...

Why the fuck is he staring at me

A-are those hearts in his eye..what the fuck

ohhh i know what he wants-my bad he cant have it

Mann I just wanna go homeeee

End of y/n thoughts:

Suddenly the mood changed. A thick, nightmarish aura filled the room, rendering those in its way helpless.

"Those in its way" being me and my friends.

It's him.

Everything went silent as I glared upwards, the sharp sounds of steps getting louder and louder, closer and closer to me...

In his petrifying glory stood he..William Afton. His skin, pale as ever and his hair perfectly combed and slicked back with two strands at the front and lastly..his eyes glaring at me with with malicious intent as they gleamed purple. He wore a black suit, and a long black cloat which reached his knees. He stood infront of me, a frightening smile carved on his face.

Damn he hot.

"Why know ropes can't stop you." He spoke, all attention on him.

"Because if I pretend it's more fun" I replied a smile on my face as I placed the piece of rope on the ground.

No pov:

William grinned as he gripped hold of Vincent's arm, then his waist, rendering him useless.

"It's been a while Vin' how have you been?" He spoke, his deep voice speaking softly into the others ear. Vincent chuckled, facing the older man, their noses touching.

"I've been good, thank for asking" Vincent replied. William let go of his waist feeling the sexual tension between them rising significantly. He would deal with that later.

"Mind telling us the reason you brought us here?" Vincent asked, earning a deep laugh from William.

"Originally, I only ment to bring you here Vin' but I realised it had been awhile since I saw my cousin and surprisingly she just happened to be with you." William spoke, ordering the release of the others. He then smiled warmly at Vannessa, who ran up and hugged her dear cousin.

"You guys will be staying here awhile..I hope that not a problem." He said staring at the group, Fritz didn't mind as he would be staying with freddy as those two were rather close..

Meanwhile Y/n dreaded this as the other Afton was staring at them, hungry with lust. He walked up to y/n making them glare at the other with disgust. Y/n ignored him, walking to Henry, rather pouncing on Henry.

Everyone left and it was only Vincent ans William alone, they walked silently through the great grey hallways, until they found their way to Williams room. William grabbed hold of Vincent's waist, surprising him as he quickly pushed the other into his room, locking the door.

Vincent smirked, as William pushed him onto the bed, ready to fuck the other.

"I can't wait any longer..I need to be inside you.."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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