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So basically this world that this story is set in is a magical world.
At the age of 11 each person in each nation or realm goes to a sort of library where they are introduced to their grimoire.

(A grimoire is a book that each person have to contain their magical spells inside. If u have watch black clover u will already know what I'm talking abt)
Along with their grimoire they also get a GRISHA. A grisha is basically their guardian and can be rlly powerful as their vessel continues to grow their magical power.

Now we gon talk bout magical items. Magical item can enhance ur power or destroy it. It depends on which one u come across.
There are also weapons called fluxes. Yes they r also magical but in order to get one u have to earn it or be compatible with it. If ur not compatible with it you'll be sent to the hospital for a certain amount of days or week depending on how destructive the weapon is and it's also the sme with grishas/grisha. If u can't control ur grisha you and the grisha will pay the consequences that can range from death the other things.
There r other things but I'll put them in the story to make it better or woteva. These r just things u absolutely need to know or else u gonna be lost🧍‍♀️


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