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"Are you sure Vincent?"
"Yeah I'm absolutely sure"
"Still are you sure?- you know what type of people go there. I don't want you to-"

"Vanessa! I telling you that it's fine-no need to worry"
"If you say so.."
Time skip

Collage was over and day turned into night. Vincent got dressed into his work clothes. Vanessa asked him to work at her mums bar for a few weeks and he agreed but, because of his past Vanessa was worried about how he would take it on. As much as he loved the fact that she cared about him he would rather just forget about it as a whole. He arrived and was given information about the club, it was big, like big big. He was given a taser and a walkie-talkie just in case of emergencies.
As soon as he stepped out he was greeted with unfamiliar faces, drunk people and loud music. Multiple people bumped into him but he didn't really mind.
It's so crowded..
After many minutes of being bumped into Vincent finally made it to the table and gave the people their drink.

"Here's the drinks you ordered" he said placing the drinks down.

"Why did you take so long!" Squeaked the lady with to much makeup on her face. She was going to complain some more until she made eye contact with Vincent, he smiled but rolled his eyes through his blindfold. The lady blushed and went silent.

"I'm sorry I took my tim-"
"What bullshit! You took your time and left my lady waiting!" Screamed the guy next to her. Vincent huffed in frustration, the last thing he wanted was to deal with an obviously drunk man and his whore girlfriend. Especially in a fucking club with loud ass music that just keeps on getting Louder.

"I should sue you for being this late!" He shouted, the stench in beer in his breath.
Can this guy just leave me alone.

"Will that really be neces-"
"But..I'll give you a chance to pay me back.." he looked Vincent up and down then licked his lips.
Fucking pervert.
The man decided to reach down and squeeze Vincent ass.

Strong sounds of electricity travelled through the air as the man fell to the ground. Vincent then proceeded to spill all the mans beer all over himself.

"Have fun~" And with that Vincent left.
"YOU TASED HIM!" Shouted Vanessa. And Vincent nodded. She then proceeds to laugh uncontrollably, even falling to the floor.
The next week working there was fine.

Vincent and Vanessa had a day out with their friends and went to the same club he and Vanessa worked at.

"I guess this place is fine but really? Is there any place else we can go?" Asked Y/N

"How about V.I.P?" Replied Vanessa. "That's where all the mafia bosses, strippers and dealings are done. I'll go get us a room." 

Y/N nodded and then they all went to V.I.P. The body guards didn't seem to care about them walking through as they were all familiar with each other.

"room" Vanessa said.

"here." Ended Vincent. Y/N rushed in as they were scared of all of the old men looking at them and their friends and once they were in there Y/N began to drink their sorrows away. Vanessa comforted her friend.

"Y/N come on don't be like that.." She said patting their back.

"yeah we came here so we could have fun, not cry about Ex's- especially dumb ones like Terrence Afton. "  Y/N smiled and started to laugh. Once that little sad moment was done they put song on, bought lots of dinks and started to ~vibe~.

After some time, they heard a knock on the door. They opened it and saw Fritz and Susie and they all started to ~vibe~.

A few dinks in and they were laughing and drunk. They were also betting with money so it was fun.

"I bet 400!" shouted Vanessa slammed the money on the table, taking a swig of alcohol.

"I bet 450" calmly stated Fritz also taking a drink of the beverage.

" I second that!~" Chimed Susie taking so alcohol.

" I bet 300!" shouted Y/N, taking a drink of the alcohol and slumping down on the couch. "If I bet any more-I'll be broke~"

"I bet 1000." Vincent said laughing and then taking a drink." What? Too poor to back it up?" He said laughing.

"No fairr~" Vanessa said and then slamming her head on the table. "OW!"

Fritz sighed giving up and Chica put her hands up in defeat. They all started to laugh but before they could continue laughing there was a knock on the door. They were all confused.

"Did anyone invite someone else?" Vincent asked and everyone shook their heads.

" Don't worry about it- it's usually someone who's lost but just in case check to see." Said Vanessa still drunk but re-gaining her braincells. Vincent got up, putting the taser in his pocket just in case.


There it was but much louder. Vincent went to the door and opened it.





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