Birthday at Riddle House

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Tristan immediately fell to his knees but didn't scream. Harry saw the twitching of his jaw and neck muscles as a sign of the spell taking effect, but he did not scream. Disappointed, he lowered his wand and ended the spell. Doubtfully he looked at his wand, had he not cast the spell correctly? No, it couldn't be.

Intention. The intention was not good enough. What had Voldemort said again? In magic it is all about intention, there is only magic and those who are strong enough to use it.

"F-Freak!" Tristan stuttered as he tried to get up. Harry watched the dirty blond boy drop to his knees, his muscles still shaking too much for him to use his legs.

Harry's eyes narrowed at the word Freak. Too often he had heard his aunt and uncle use that word. Circe! In fact, Harry thought that Freak was his name until he was six years old.

"Yes, I am a freak. I am an anomaly, most of all I am a monster. Right now I am your own little monster. And you, my dear Tristan, are a rapist, and you should know what monsters do to rapists," said Harry in an insensitive voice.

He took a closer look at his dark wand and ran his fingers lovingly over the fickle wood. Then he pointed it again to the trembling boy on the ground. "Crucio."

Tristen immediately fell flat on the ground and screamed. Not loud, but it was there. Unconsciously, Harry's lips curled into a pout, disappointed that the boy didn't scream louder. He strained a little more and let a little more hatred flow through the spell, licking his lips.

The boy immediately began to scream louder, a scream that Harry knew could be heard for miles around. Harry sighed, delighted, and watched Tristan's clothes turn black with mud and his bare arms show tiny scratches of blood from the pebbles and branches on the ground. His fingernails pierced the soft flesh of the palm of his hand as he held his new wand even tighter. He was ready to make this curse last to the very end, seeing that Tristan had wet his pants, it seemed that he would not last much longer.

He bit his lips until he felt a wet, coppery taste in his mouth. He moaned softly and played with the intensity of the spell, while Tristan made all kinds of beautiful cries of fear and pain. The blond boy wouldn't last much longer, Harry knew instinctively, but Harry wanted to experience this, he was ready to lose himself in the satisfaction-

A cool head nudged against his left hand and an insistent hiss broke him out of the Dark Magic's haze. Harry blinked absently as he lowered his hand. He looked down and looked into the golden eyes of the snake he now knew so well.

~ "Nagini, where were you?" ~ Harry murmured, his voice drunk as if he had drunk a bottle of Firewiskey.

~ "Nagini was in the forest, Hatchling entered from the wrong side of the forest." ~

Harry looked around disoriented, all around him were trees. ~ "I didn't know there were multiple places,"~ he muttered, embarrassed, noting that more than half of the festival was surrounded by forest, but assumed Nagini would sense where he was.

~ "Hatchling, we have to go. Now!"~ Nagini suddenly snarled. ~ "I can smell other magic users, Hatchling. Come on, we have to go. Take the boy with us, we have to deal with this first."~

Harry was now completely out of his haze of drunkenness. The drugs, the overwhelming aspect of the Crucio, everything seemed to be out of its system. Only extreme clarity remained.

~ "Nagini, can you carry him?"~ Harry asked desperately.

The snake just looked at him as if she doubted his intelligence and slipped farther into the forest.

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