First Impressions

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"What- in the name of the 1st and 7th revised editions of Hogwarts a History - are you wearing?" Hermione asked in a slightly panicked voice.

Harry turned languidly to his best friend's voice and laughed. "This is a school uniform."

Hermione's eyes widened and she quickly closed the door of the compartment. "I thought that much, but Harry! This is the uniform of Slytherin House!"

Harry grinned broadly. "Obviously."

Hermione hurriedly pulled the outer robe off Harry, revealing the school uniform. She narrowed her eyes at the sight of the Slytherin emblem. Fiercely, she unfastened the green-accented tie and tossed it aside.

Harry was unimpressed by his friend's actions and rolled his eyes. "Every year you scold me for putting on my school uniform too late in the journey to Hogwarts, but this year you're trying to undress me... What makes this year so special? Is it the colors? Does it clash with my skin tone and eye color?" Harry said teasingly.

Hermione blinked slowly and stared at Harry. Her hands immediately fell silent and stopped unbuttoning his shirt. Startled, she looked at Harry.

"Oh, Harry! I am so sorry! I- I didn't realize what I was doing."

Harry saw her lower lip quiver and felt sorry for the young witch. "It doesn't matter, 'Mione. I can imagine it was a very compelling feeling, just like my aunt when she sees a floral dress, she must have the garment, however ugly it may be; only it was for you the other way around... You now wanted to rid me of the offending colors, as befits a true Gryffindor." Harry winked at Hermione and then smiled disarmingly.

Hermione laughed nervously as if she half expected Harry to get mad at her after all. Her gaze sharpened again and Harry saw his friend gently gnaw her lower lip, almost burning with the many questions that ran through her mind. Harry laughed again and pointed her to the couch opposite him and next to Ron.

"Sit down, Hermione. I see you're eager to ask some questions."

The girl nodded vigorously and sat down next to Ron. She rocked back and forth as if she had too much energy, reminding Harry of those moments when she was about to start an investigation in the library.

Harry himself sat back relaxed and picked up his wand. He pointed to the small tea set and, with a few swipes in the air, poured the tea and let it float to Ron and Hermione. "Cream? Sugar?" he asked his friends politely. Ron wanted sugar- three lumps of sugar- and Hermione drank her tea with some cream. He then let a saucer of biscuits float to his friends, who silently grabbed a biscuit.

Ron had finished his biscuit immediately and reminded Harry of a squirrel frantically gnawing on a nut. Hermione carefully dipped her biscuit into her tea and took small bites. Although the two friends ate their cookies in very different ways, they had one thing in common: they looked at Harry as if he had grown a second head.

Ron was the first to break the silence. "I didn't know you could get tea on the train," he said, wiping a crumb from his chin.

Harry just smiled and looked at Hermione. However, his friend didn't open her mouth to ask all her questions. Harry turned his attention back to Ron. "I thought it would be healthier to have some kind of High Tea." Harry saw Ron looking questioningly at Harry, not knowing what High Tea was.

Hermione, however, explained the concept before Harry could open his mouth and looked at her friends with extremely self-satisfied. Harry rolled his eyes and caressed his ring absently. However, he allowed Hermione her moment and saw that his friend became her normal self again. She no longer seemed embarrassed by her earlier attack on Harry's clothes.

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