05: Virtued No More ~♪

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"Take a seat! We might be here for awhile." The bard chuckled and slouched in his chair. He motioned for his guests to relax themselves, even though the place was such a dump that comfort was close to impossible. "Hmm... So what exactly would you like to hear from me?"

"Isn't it obvious..." Paimon sneered, her eyes going blank.

Before answering, the blondie did as Venti offered and sat. He rested himself on the opposite side of the table, away from Venti. Honestly, Aether was a bit wary of the bard at the moment, for more reasons than one.

"Who is Y/N and why are you so afraid of her." He asked as a matter of fact, so the tricky little bard wouldn't take advantage of his words and mix them to fit his needs.

Venti sighed. It was clear he was uncomfortable.

"Don't trust that girl." He started and straightened up, his resentment beginning to become apparent just by the mere mention of you. "This... Y/N  is not what she seems. She's not the helpless little girl she's pretending to be. In fact, her entire appearance is just a hoax. She's a fraud... Don't trust her, don't speak to her, don't look at her-"

"Woah woah woah! Slow down!" Paimon cupped her head, attempting to process Venti's words. "Talk like a normal person, bard!"

"Right." He averted his eyes and breathed. "Y/N is not a mortal, as you may know. That is why she didn't die after she fell."

Aether's eyes widened, hit with two mind blowing statements in one sentence. As if the fact of your immortality wasn't shocking enough, there was something else that stood out to the traveler, but he would save his question for later.

"She's the goddess of Secrets, but she is known by more than one name..." Venti shuffled in his seat and continued. "Such as... the goddess of Illusion, the goddess of Lies, but more importantly, the goddess of Truth."

"What?! Paimon's confused... How can she be the goddess of Truth and  Lies at the same time?" Paimon looked as if her head might explode.

"First of all... she is neither. Those are just other titles that have been given to her by mortals who know of her. Officially, she is the goddess of Secrets and, being the goddess of Secrets and all... there are a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings in her story." He explained, clearing up any confusion. "Some know of her as trustworthy and some know of her as a liar. It depends on who you ask."

Aether furrowed his brow, his curiosity growing by the second. "So, why is that?"

"Her powers... they are... unique." Venti intertwined his hands together, locking his eyes downwards onto them. This topic definitely hit a nerve for him. "She has the ability to conceal any secret she wants concealed- at any cost. This means she could go as far as altering the whole nation's appearance if it were to keep a secret. Her abilities depend on the secret itself, and her determination to keep it. So, the fact that her potential can be unlimited makes her one of the more powerful deities."

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