07: Reeking Rancid ~♪

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How the rest of your evening went sure was unpredictable.

The fiery dispute with your lovable old friend, Barbatos, resulted in the mighty Master Diluc, owner of the Angel's Share Tavern, finally stepping in to kick the lot out. Apparently, it had gotten out of hand, which is completely understandable, because the poor bard had received your not-so-gentle fists to his face once or twice...

Of course, you didn't regret it.

After a few throws, Aether and his buddy Paimon used all of their collective strength to pull you and the bard apart before it resulted in permanent damage. Whether it had already reached that point was beyond anyone's knowledge.

Now, the four of you aimlessly wandered through the quiet alleys of Mondstadt, still trying to process what had happened back inside the tavern. The sky had turned dark, and with that, so did Barbatos. He was out cold, slouching unconscious over the Honorary Knight's shoulders.

Not because of your punches! Although you wished that you had knocked him to sleep, you unwillingly had to admit that your old friend's demise ended up being the alcohol. To put it simply, he was blacked out drunk.

It amused you that he would wake up peacefully in the morning without remembering even a tidbit of what had happened the night before. The idea of Barbatos frantically panicking about the many, soon-to-be purple bruises across his cheeks and desperately racking his brains to figure out their origin gave you a good laugh.

Unfortunately, that joyous time would have to wait until he sobered up, so most likely the next morning. Although your old friend could surprise you, for he's been known to have a unique talent of sobering at a lightning fast speed.

Gosh, all of the screaming and fighting sure had tired you out. Your body felt limp and dizzy, and with the stars signaling your bedtime, you thought it best to find a place to doze off.

Where to go? Who knows! You're homeless in a town that had changed so much since the last time you saw it, that it might not even be Mondstadt anymore. The only place familiar to you was the Cathedral, but there is no way you're meeting back up with those nuns. And to sleep in a chapel designated to someone you hate? No way!

"Well..." You breathed out to the only two conscious beings. "I really wanted to have a chat with you tonight, Sir Honorary Knight, but it looks like I've got to hit the hay!"

With that, you quickly turned and sped-walked away, before being grabbed by the arm and spun back around.

"Not so fast..." The knight sighed, his golden eyes glaring down at you. "You've got to take responsibility for... this." He tiredly motioned towards the heavy, burdensome weight around his shoulders.

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