Week of Grace

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Almost everyone meant to resume had done so by the Friday of the first week. Duna got around the basics of a simple morning routine; clean up as fast as you can and disappear. Also, she had started talking to a few of the other girls around her. Ella Bishop, for example. At least they became friends under normal circumstances rather that a half-hearted sparring session with Kemi. Then there were Moye and Micha who seemed to hit off from day one though the latter being rather frail and squeamish and the former was more akin to a monkey on too much sugar.

Her other corner mates were Abigail and Debbie. Debbie was in JSS2 and had taught Duna the number one principles for maintaining an ironed attire. She was apparently close knit with Bless. The others were Toyo, Joy, Elizabeth- not to be confused with McLauren- then Gloria, one of the tallest in the hostel next to Sosaáse. There was also Zuriel; a very dark skinned girl that gave a new meaning to the saying 'black is beautiful' though a bit on the quiet side. Everyone knew Fola and then there was Bola. They were all in JSS2.

There were at least twenty-five girls in a single room!

Duna had made it so far to this Friday morning unscathed. In a place where only 36% of her roommates were on her level, one can't be too careful not to be assaulted by errands. Putting on her beret once again, she set to leave the hostel. She barely made it out of the door before the second Elizabeth stopped her and engaged her in a staring contest. Duna broke it first for fear of being disrespectful. Elizabeth smiled.

"Why are you in a hurry?" She asked and clamped a hand on her shoulder. "It's not even six yet. Nobody is going anywhere. Wait a second..." Her's eyes narrowed infinitesimally and took in the frame of the petite girl and chuckled when she noticed the discomfort on her face. She reached out to adjust the lopsided beret on her head and smoothed the collar of her blouse.

"Ehen! Now you look perfect. Did you spray? You could use mine-" Duna backed away from her too quickly and almost tripped over her feet. Her foot hadn't healed yet but she was adamant on wearing shoes. She wasn't so keen on perfumes either.

"Uh, no please. Never mind I'm okay like this", she said nervously, her eyes wide and frantic as she tried to edge her way out of the door. The older girl regarded her for a moment, her expression unreadable then all of a sudden relaxed and smiled.

"Okay, I won't spray you", she said, "but only because I like your accent. Ever been abroad?" Duna shook her head. Elizabeth shrugged and let her go without further questions which Duna was all to thankful for.

Duna kept walking briskly until she had crossed the lobby, again thankful for the absence of the security personnel although she felt that meant they were unreliable should some random person just walk in. She slowed her to a less hurried pace when she had crossed the threshold and inhaled the cool air around her. She wished she could take someone with her early in the mornings but that was the only time she didn't need to think about anything but her future. 

The walk to the school was an uphill task and pretty long too. There was another passage behind the bookstore/library/cybercafé/sports building, but you would have to take a blind leap of faith. In the dark that was probably the worst kind of folly and in any case, the intimidating crowd of trees and grass that probably harbored snakes didn't look that appealing. No one loved nature that much.

She got to the bend in the path continued forward. It took one approximately three minutes just to walk to school and at least another one minute to climb the stairs to the JSS1 classrooms if one walked fast enough. Four minutes of ones life wasted. On her way she spotted a few bats flying overhead accompanied by the chilling September breeze. If things got any colder she would have to get used to wearing cardigans again. 

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