~ Found the little gear ~

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" This is the end of the stream, uh- Thank you guys for joining, we'll see you later, " Sapnap said with a rumble of his throat, haven lost a game to Karl. Karl couldn't help but laugh, waving at the camera with a hearty ' see you guys soon! ', Sapnap waved with him, chuckling rather— offly to say the least.. After ending the stream, he slumped on his chair and let out a tired sigh, rubbing his forehead. He was exhausted, the stress piling due to running out of stream ideas and Twitter drama. He was always the type to keep it to himself, not wanting to bother or disturb anyone, since they had their own problems; not only that, the Texan hasn't regressed in almost a month.

It was a bit of a struggle. He acted childish at times when he lost to his friends. He stomped his foot down when he whines or groans. He was wanting to slip so bad, but he just couldn't.. he was with his best friend, after all. He couldn't bare Karl seeing him in such a state. What if Karl was disgusted? What if Karl didn't want to be friends with him anymore? It scared Sapnap to his core, it even made him shake. " What now, Sap? " Karl threw himself back on the chair too, nudging his friend with a wide grin. Sapnap just let out a small laugh, a bit forced, to be exact.

" I'm tired. I think I'm gonna take a shower and then go take a nap. " He stood up from his chair and stretched, later glancing at Karl who was watching with a raised brow. " alright then, man, " Karl said rather suspiciously, Sapnap giving him a roll of his eyes before he grabbed a towel from his bed and walked out of the room with a small 'whatever.' Karl snickered before he frowned, thinking to himself. He's not stupid. He's sensed that his best friend was upset more than anything, and it sucked because he didn't know how to help. He always said they could rest for the day, but Sapnap always resisted, since Karl was there for a limited time.

Before he could think, he spotted something poking out from under his bed. It must of have been covered by the towel, he thought to himself, and slowly stood up to go and investigate. He kneeled down and slowly rugged on the plastic container, finally getting a glance once he popped open the sealed lid. It was a bunch of pacifiers, bottles, sippy cups, bibs, plushies- heck, even little rattles and diapers. Karl's mouth turned into a little 'O' as he realized what it was. Sapnap wasn't a father, was he? There's literally no trace of him having a child, and he knew he lived by himself and was definitely single.

He pulled out a rattle out and shook it, giggling, later taking out plastic keys with a few blocks. He laid them on the floor and observed a paci, wiping the sucker with the end of his sleeve just in case. He was distracted, pondering to himself on why Sapnap would have all these stuff, he didn't even hear the door open.

" Hey, Karl, have you seen my- " Sapnap suddenly stopped at the sight of Karl on the floor, his little gear in hand. His breath hitched, panic rising through his chest as he seemed to be frozen. " You have a little sibling or somethin'? " Karl jokes, making Sapnap's bottom lip quiver.

His remark seemed to be an insult to him, and all the Texan could do was overthink. He ruined everything. He ruined everything. He ruined his friendship with Karl, he hates him, he's going to tell his friends, he's going to tell his fans, he's going to tell everyone.

Sapnap hadn't realized his breath quicken as his fingers tangled with his black curls. Karl watched worryingly, standing up. " Nick? " Karl said softly. All Sapnap could do was look up at him and sob, slowly trailing down to his knees. Karl immediately joined him, wrapping his arms around the other in concern. " What's happening, Sapnap? I didn't mean to bring any bad memories, I'm so sorry— are you okay,? " Karl said softly, pulling away to cup his hands around Sap's crimson red cheeks. Sapnap hiccuped and shook his head, leaning into his touch.

" y-you no- y-you no l-likey a-anymore— "

Sapnap broke down with another sob, grabbing at Karl's jacket in a fistful. Karl pat his back with a long sigh. The more Sapnap cried, the more his body relaxed, and the more Karl waited, the more he began to realize what was going on. With a sniffle, Sapnap finally looked up, snot running down his nose as his eyes glistened with embarrassment. Karl smiled softly. " Hey, baby. You alright now? " He cooed, Sapnap widening his eyes in confusion.

" y-you no... you likey? Me? " He pointed at himself, feeling himself tear up again. Karl just laughed. " of course not! Why would I hate such a cutie? " He pinched his cheeks delicately, making Sapnap smile warmly at the affection. " Didn't you want to take a shower? Let's take a bubble bath instead, pandas! " Karl stood up and lended his hand for Sapnap to stand, but the other shyly looked down and put their hands together, twitching their nose. Karl giggled and wrapped their arms around the shorter, carrying them with a bit of a struggle, but with the help of his knee, he managed to get Sapnap perked up in his arms.

They headed towards the bathroom, Karl having set Sapnap on the toilet seat. The water was warm and the bubbles were fluffy, it was perfect for a little panda in Karl's eyes. With a soft kiss on the head, Sapnap was put in the bath, Karl having to turn away for Sapnap to undress, which was too shy on him undressing him. Sapnap babbled happily as his hands splashed against the water, collecting bubbles with his palms to lick them. " No, no, that's bad for you,! " Karl couldn't help but laugh once he stopped Nick from licking the cloudy soup, Nick letting out a hearty whine.

There was a comfortable atmosphere after that. Karl having taken off his sweater jacket to dip his hand into the water to be a scary sea monster, while Sapnap defended his bubble base with two of his fingers. After a long session of battling and hair washing, Sapnap was lifted off from the tub and dried down by Karl, who's face was smeared with bubbles.


Words: 1101

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