~ Prison ~

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Techno had been trapped inside with Dream for a while now. The two were in the opposite sides, not daring to speak. The more it lasted the more they both grew slightly irritated, glancing at each other with slight daggers. The two have always had grudges against each other, being enemies and all, even if they managed to bond at least SLIGHTLY due to destruction, that was basically all.

" ...can't believe they tricked me. " The fuzzy pig snorted angrily, looking at the lava drip and bubble with immense heat. Dream just flashed a smile, eyeing him. " Pigs are dumb either way, so I'm not expecting less. " The two made eye contact and bared their teeth at each other, clearly starting sparks before a green mist circled inside the jail cell, their attention dragging to it. A flash of white blinded the two, sending them back a little before a large figure spawned in, the smp indicating that it was 'Dream XD'

" who are you? " Dream kept himself quiet, pulling his mask up a little to see better. " I am you.. but better. " Dream XD spoke with some spunk, it's voice echoing. Techno snickered, " Obviously. " Dream stood up with irritation, grabbing some water from the sink before splashing to the big pig. The crown wearing animal huffed and stood up, his hooves clanking against the stone floor, that was until four hands preventing him from moving, as well as for Dream. The two looked at the god, who watched in silence before speaking up.

" I will give you all one wish. " It cooed, it's wings spreading to illuminate the room with a soft light. Dream relaxed himself, growing distracted by the feathers slowly making their way to his feet. " mm, Buh,, " The green clad mutters as he crouched, the floating hands letting go of him softly. Techno watched rather oddly before looking at the god. " One wish, eh? " His ear flickered, his scrunchy tail wagging. XD nodded its head, eyeing Dream ever so slightly. He seemed to be— piling up his feathers, fascinated due to their shiny attire, when they moved, the more they sparkled. The more Dream gathered, the more he babbled and giggled.

" ...little one. " XD spoke softly, making Dream pick up his head with bright eyes. " eh? " Techno raised an eye, looking at dream too, he only puts is fist to his mouth and smiled like a dumby. XD traveled towards the green clad and gently took him from under the arms, picking him up. Dream just swung his legs and looked around. " ,where baba? " Dream looked at XD, then at Techno, his face turning rather intimidated and confused. XD placed them down and floated back. " One wish. " It would speak shallowly. Before Techno knew, Dream began to cry, the man was scared- no, terrified. Where was he? Where was his baba and gogy? Why weren't they with him? The more he thought the more his cries grew louder, the pig trotting over to wrap his cape over the other.

The pig lifted his snout to look at the god. " Help? " He sighs out. " Is that what you wish for? " XD tilted its head, it's expression staying the same, but it's movement explaining a lot in how it felt. " Better than a bell, I guess. " He said with a mutter, and XD raised its wings. The room vibrated with a bright light, Techno covering dreams face and his own with his palm. As it finally dimmed, he squinted his eyes slowly to adjust to the room, spotting a bundle of blankets. Dream popped his head out of his cape, noticing the being was gone, and scurried to the blankets, wrapping it up. There laid a pacifier, some cookies, a pie, a sippy cup, a small notebook and crayons, and even toy cars.

All dream could do was squeal, immediately dashing for the cookies, since it might be the first thing he's ever eaten that WASN'T potato's. Techno just whined in frustration. How was this going to help this situation!? A bunch of baby stuff?! You've got to be—

—..Dream couldn't be.. could he?

" ..Dream? " Techno spoke softly, kneeling down to the kneeling boy. All Dream did was pay attention to the toys, content bubbling in his chest. The pig stared and smiled softly, his tucks nudging the small minded. " How old are you, Dream. " He said in a comfortable tone, Dream glancing at the pink animal before giving him a toothy smile. " I fou! " All techno did was sit next to him and pick up a car.

" Let's play cars, shall we? " He raised a brow. Dream watched before grabbing himself his own cars, sitting close to him with a wide, bright grin.

Prison seemed to be getting better for the both of them as they started engines, crashed against each other, and raced.


words: 806


( It'll take a while. If you wish to read the process of this chapter on the making, you shall. )

It's been a few days since Techno was trapped in the prison. For the large, fuzzy pig, it was rather comfortable here. It reminded him of his home; the nether. He likes how the lava bubbled and illuminated the dark room, and the noise of the magma bleeding from the ceiling was music to his ears. But to Dream? The opposite. It was awful. It was a living hell to the blond. He was here for almost an entire YEAR. His mental state was ripping itself to pieces, but he couldn't let it show. It'd be a sign of weakness, something he couldn't allow himself to feel.

Dream used to be a regressor until Tommy came into the server, wrecking and rioting around like some kind of... child. Ironic, is it not? And the more he continued, the more people complained, and the more they complained, the more he had to stay big for confrontation. He hated it. And the more it happened, the more he had to push away his regression for the sake of the server. HIS server. Not Tommy's. Not Tubbo's. DREAM'S server, and he had had it with them. They always started fights and fire like they were some type of- he didn't even know! The reason he got those damn disks was that so Tommy could finally-

" Yo. Dream. " The pig mused with a snort, stretching out an arm. " Pass me a potato. " His voice was as monotone as ever. " Oh- yeah, sure. " Dream was taken out of his transe and picked a potato out of the stack he had in his inventory. He passed the vegetable to him, which the mammal gladly took with a huff. Technoblade was as big and round as a boulder, his fur thick for winter. He definitely had the structure of a piglin.. large, meaty legs with sharp, pointy hooves; bended ears and a curly, springing tail. His nose was flat against his round, scarred face, tusks growing from his bottom jaw to decorate his jaw. He was the blood god with such masculinity. And with his cape snuggling fitting by his wide, fuzzy shoulder with a crown propped on his head? It was obvious he was the strongest one in this server... Strong than Dream, too.

But then he'd look at himself. He had a slim yet strong, masculine figure, his hair pointy and goldish brown. A mask was set on his face, turning him and his profile anonymous. He wasn't just known for the loss of his face and being a sociopath, though, but for the ability he had to turn into a small, white blob that could be squished to a stain if he used it at the wrong time. That was all he had. His mind drifted into more thoughts than he could imagine. The room was filled with snorts and munching.

" ..I can't believe I trusted them. " Technoblade spoke up with a deep, gruff voice. Dream looked up to the beast, a chuckle escaping from his throat. " I wouldn't expect less coming from an animal. " He spoke teasingly. Technoblade gave him a stare, his snout scrunching up at the insult. " If i were to make a prison of my own, I wouldn't get trapped inside its walls unlike you. "
Techno couldn't help but retort back, and he noticed Dream's mask darken. " Watch your mouth, Techno. " Dream seethed. " You too, Dream. " Techno said with the same amount of malice.

They stared at each other with menacing glares, observing their every move if anything were to happen, but nothing came to be when a sudden flash of white blinded them. " What the-?! " Dream lifted his arm to shield his eyes, Techno lowering his crown for shade. Large, pure white wings spread and reached the boxed room, a tall figure standing with a hunched over posture due to it's height. There was silence as the light faded and the two prisoners adjusted their eyes into the setting. The god that stood before them towered over them with a big, agape smile. " Hello. " It's voice echoed.

Dream and Techno couldn't help but give each other glances of concern. There was a massive god-like monster in front of them, bigger than techno himself! And he was quite the tall figure. " My name is DREAM XD. " It started with a whisper. " The one who's taught me most has mentioned you were within these walls... seems like he was right. " They both eyed each other once more in confusion. " Uh.. okay., Dream XD. " Techno snorted. " Are ya here to bust us out? Or... "

Dream XD peculiarly turned its head to the Piglin. " I did not know the one George spoke of had a cell mate. " " George? He talks about me?! " Dream piped up with a jump, which made almighty Technoblade burst into laughter. Dream was ecstatic to know his caregiver still spoke of him. It was always tense between them after the whole L'manberg incident, and within time they soon cut ties and left each other for the better. " Very much. " Dream XD gave out a vibrant chuckle.

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