Why? Why are we in love?

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Why are we in love? We... We're supposed to be in love with her. Right.?


He let out a gasp. Could I be dreaming? He wondered. He can't seem to remember falling asleep. Jay looked down he saw that he was sitting a desk, writing a letter.

'Dear Cole'


He looked over the rest of the paper it read;

'Dear Cole,

How much longer is this mission? You know Cameron likes you more than me. She really misses you as do I. Weren't we supposed to be done with this? With the missions?

Your dad also doesn't seem to like me.

But besides that Kai and Lloyd finally have a child of their own, her name is Lamia. Well at least we had a kid before anyone else. Isn't that something?

So much for no more work? My inventions are making us bank you know? And there's no potential danger so what is so important that you didn't tell me? More important than Cameron? Than your own child?

You leave. With only a note? No more secrets though right? Bull shit.

Just come home, please. I'm really trying to take care of Cameron and managing work at the same time but when I finally get sucked into my invention, Cameron comes in screaming about you or your dad.

I know you said not to leave Cameron with your dad but I'm seriously so tired. My parents are ages away since we decided to live in Ninjago city in my birth parents's place.

However the only thing I can manage to say to you right now is fuck you.

- Jay'

Kids? Promises? In the mansion that his birth parents' own? To Cole?


Jay turned to see a little girl standing in the door way.

"Yeah?" Jay replied hesitantly.

"Have you heard anything from dada?"

"I- er- nothing yet, Cameron"

Jay looked at her face nervously. Hoping to the gods her name was Cameron.

"When's grandpa Lou coming over?,"

Jay felt like a huge weight was dropped on him along with the effects of sleep deprivation.

"I'm sorry Cameron, I don't know" Jay replied honestly.

"K I'll talk to you later dad" she said and walked back out.

The only kid he seems to have is already distant with him. How could he let this happen? Maybe it is dream right? And a kid? With Cole? How can that be right?

Sometimes it feels like Cole still likes Nya but Jay sometimes feels like he likes her too.

He immediately looked at both of his hands for a ring or something that could verify him and Cole were romantically involved.

A necklace, ring, bracelet, something to show Jay that he or Cole end up with Nya right?

So much attention to her can't go to nothing.

Jay spotted a drawer and frantically yanked it open and saw envelopes all have 'Cole' written on it.

He pulled all the envelopes out and saw a necklace, half of a yin-yang necklace along with a ring on the necklace as well.

Nothing on it to indicate Cole was his romantic partner right? Maybe Nya has the other side right?

But that girl, Cameron said 'dada'. Jay can only assume it's Cole. He even wrote a letter to him, several letters to be exact.

But how can that be right? One of them has to end up with her.

But then again every other time he felt like he was in love with his best friend.

Do I really love him?


Jay jolted awake. He spun around to see ice, nothing but ice and Cole standing right ahead of him.


He jumped and turned back around to see Zane.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm- I'm just fine"

He looked to see Kai standing with perfect posture and his eyes closed?

"What's up with him?" Jay asked curiously.

"I think he's still in his vision"


"A look into the future.. a future vision"

Jay felt frozen. Like time stopped ticking for a moment.

A look into the future? Being romantically involved with Cole?

"And Cole looks perfectly fine?" Jay said confused.

"He said he didn't see anything" Zane replied.

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know. Maybe he doesn't have a future"

"Are you saying he's going to die before the rest of us?"

"That seems like the only explanation"

"Zane I saw Cole in my vision"

"Oh well I don't know Jay"

Jay looked back to Cole and felt so confused. Like nothing in his life ever made sense.

Kind of like a continuation to the other one I wrote before this one.

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