Guess whos scared of thunderstorms? Jay is (Bruise)

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Ship- Bruise
Category- fluff
Requested- ➖
Location- house 1
Jay's POV
I, Jay Walker am brave
I, Jay Walker am calm
I,Jay Walker am CRASH
Scared CRASH
I'm scared of thunderstorms. You might find that funny since my element is lightning. I'm still scared of storms. I don't know why tho- CRASH *high pitched squeal* I don't think I can do this. There is only one other person in this house which is Cole Brookestone. Yeah him, I can't just walk up to his room and say "hey can I sleep with because I'm scared of storms and I have a big crush on you" yeah haha not happening. Even Lloyd would have been better than this. If you don't get it I'm gay as in I'm gay for Cole. CRASH ok I can't make it through tonight. Oh and if your wondering where everyone else is there enjoying themselves somewhere else.

As I get up from my bed and walk to Cole's room. I open the door and see Cole sleeping. Maybe I can do this without him. I already annoy him enough. As I was going to walk out of his room. He just so happens to wake up. "Jay, what are you doing?" He says in a tired voice. "Uh-h n-nothing I was just going b-back t- CRASH *high pitch scream*" That set me off the edge. I do not know the reason I'm scared of thunderstorms. I kinda fell to the floor in defeat and cried. Get up Jay your just showing Cole how weak and pathetic you are. I just laying in a ball on the floor crying.

I just tried and tried to get up but I couldn't. "Jay?" I can barely hear Cole. I was too busy trying to calm myself down and get up. Then go to my room and act like nothing happened. I felt Cole lift me up. Then he carried me bridal style. I was still crying of course. He brought me to his bed. He laid down and he said "Jay what's wrong" in form voice. I just was so scared and started to cry her more. "Uh....." I can hear Cole starting to panic. Cole was never one with words. He just wants to hurry and get things over with. "Jay breath in and out, in and out, in and out" Cole finally said. I actually felt myself trying to breath. " Good job Jay. Just keep doing that." Cole said. I can talk now and I'm not crying anymore. "Jay what happened?" Cole said. "Umm......." my head went blank. I mean I know why it happened but, I can't tell Cole. Then he have something to make fun of me for and well...... I have a low self-esteem. "I-I do-on't know-w?" I said. "Liar you do know" Cole said in that same voice he did earlier. Tears started to form in my eyes. Look I know I'm a crybaby. I can't help it. CRASH I kind of screamed. "Jay are you scared of thunderstorms?!?!?" He said trying to hold back a laugh. I know it's funny but he didn't have to laugh. "M-mayb-be" I told him. I definitely have tears in my eyes. "Ok. Sorry. Sorry. But are you really scared of thunderstorms?!?!?" Cole said. "Ok I-I do-o have a slight f-fear of t-t-thunder-rstorms-s" CRASH I screamed. "O-or m-maybe I h-have a big f-fear of t-them" I stuttered. "Awww Jay come here" Cole said. I hugged him. I felt my cheeks heat up.

Cole's POV
I don't know what came over me but I hugged Jay back. I'm not one with being all lovey-dovey but I actually like Jay a lot. I hate seeing him like this. I was still hugging Jay. Then I heard quiet snores from him. I looked down and saw him sleeping. Then, I pulled the covers over us and cuddled Jay really tight. Then I felt my eyelids getting heavy.

~the next morning~

Jay's POV
I woke up and was in the arms of Cole. I felt my cheeks get heated. Anyway I don't remember being in bed at least not with Cole. That sounded weird anyway, I can't breathe. Cole is literally crushing me. I try to get out of his grip but it tightens if that's even possible. I try to pull his hands off my waist but he's so strong and I'm dying. I roll over and I finally got out of the grip but fell off the bed in the process. "Jay what are you doing?" I heard Cole ask. "Um n-nothing ju-ust goin-ng to my r-room" I stuttered. The thing is always stutter when I'm talking to Cole. "Why?" I heard him ask. "Because I'm scared I might tell you I love you and you will hate me forever and I'll be sad and kill myself. Then everyone will sad and then I'll blame myself" I see Cole look at me weird. Shit. "Uhh......did I say that out loud" I said awkwardly with no stutter. I saw Cole nod. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Shit. Frickkkk. Cole definitely hates me I just told him I liked him a lot. I run out the door before Cole can say anything. I run outside in a forest. I keep running until I tripped over a tree root. "Ow. Stupid tree root" I say. "Ughh now Cole hates me and he will tell everyone else they will think it's weird. Then he'll tell them I'm scared of thunderstorms. Everyone else will thinks it's funny and laugh." I start crying. "Stupid Jay your just a big crybaby and weak. Your pathetic too. Everyone think your stupid and annoying especially Cole" I feel the tears running down my face. "What! Your not annoying or weak or stupid. Your funny and kind and I love you too." I heard Cole say from behind me. I turn around and see him. "You actually love me?" I ask in confusion. How stupid would you be to love someone as useless as me. "Yeah and your beautiful too" he says starting to blush. I can feel myself blushing too. "Come on let's go home" Cole says holding out his hand. I take it and we walk back got the house hand in hand. "Cole I love you" I say. "I love you too" he said.
So yeah that was fun. My hands hurt and I'm want to actually update. This one was sooo long. Remember leave requests. I ran out of ides leave ships and prompts and I'll get to them as soon as possible. Bai. 1138 words

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