Hey it's ok <Bruise>

892 16 5

Ship- Bruise
Category- Angst but a fluffy ending
Requested- nope
TW: Self harm
I should probably be updating my book lol. But if you love this ship as much as I do you should check it out. So yeah this is kinda like what I try and do when I need to calm down but it don't work. So I can just write about how I wish some people would help me :)
Jay's POV
I heard laughing coming from the living room. "They must be having fun" I said. I wasn't feeling good, not like sick but like trash. I just want to sit and do nothing right now. Whatever they were doing I don't want to do. But I missed Cole I definitely want to be around him right now. However with my current mood it was just gonna ruin everyone's day.

I looked around my room to try and find something to pass the time. "I can try and draw maybe that will help" I said aloud. I grabbed my small sketchbook. I flipped to a clean page. I took my pencil and tapped it against the book. Trying to think of something to draw. I thought about drawing out how I feel.

I began to draw a person. I don't know who but just a person. I then drew lines like on the wrists and thighs and the shoulders. Then I drew a 'X' across the neck. "Ahh. Oh good what have I done?!" I yelled a bit too loudly. I scribbled all over it. Then ripped out the page and continued to rip the page into smaller pieces.

I then proceeded to throw it away but missed the trash and the papers were all over the floor. "Jay!" I heard someone yell. "Uh yeah!?," I yelled back. "You ok?!," they yelled. "Yeah, I'm ok!," I yelled back. "Ok!," they yelled. I couldn't tell who was yelling but it felt good to know they cared. But no I'm not ok my head hurts. But oh my god what was I thinking drawing that?! What if someone saw?! Oh my Jesus I would be under supervision 25/8 (24/7 but like more). I need to something else to cope. I pulled out my bracelet maker well it was a card board box cut into a circular shape. Then it had a hole in the middle and had 8 lines where the strings went. I continued to try and finish my bracelet. I was doing it for 5 minutes but it was getting boring. "Ok I'm done with that" I said putting it back where I got it from.

I pulled out my phone. Cole always seems to sit and do nothing for 2 minutes. I'll try that maybe it was more therapeutic then it looked. I put a timer on for 2 minutes and 10 seconds. As soon as it started I began to count down for 10 seconds. I sat and closed my eyes. It felt good until my head started to hurt more. I closed my eyes harder and tried to focus on something other then the pain in my head. Probably just a headache. I sat for about 5 more seconds. "Ow. Ah my head really fucking hurts" I said while rubbing my temples.

"Ugh. Why isn't anything working?," I said angrily. "Why does this have to be so frustrating?!," I said rubbing my fingers harder into my temples to the point where it was just offering more pain. I hit my hand against my head. "I just want my head to stop hurting" I said. I looked around my room to try and find something. I knew what I was looking for.

Third Person POV
"Ah that's where you hid it" Jay said aloud. Referring to his blade that Cole tried to hide from him. Jay grabbed it. He stopped and hesitated before carrying out his act. "Cole will be so mad if he finds out" Jay thought a loud. "But I'm sure he won't notice. Right? I mean I hid it for 2 years. Just one or two weeks isn't that hard," Jay answered his own question.

He brought the blade down to his skin and sliced. He did small lines, to try and make it less obvious. He went all the way up to his elbows. It was only to his left arm. He used his right arm too much to not let anyone notice. So he went to elbows. "O-Oh my god" Jay dropped his blade. "What have I done?," Jay said aloud. He stared at his arm. He grabbed the tissue box and pulled out the tissues and put it on his arm.

He ran to the bathroom and wet a tissue and ran back into his room. He cleaned it and then put more tissues on it. He grabbed the sports tape on the table. He took the tape and wrapped it around the tissue. He wrapped it a bit too tight but he didn't care. He was too busy over thinking how Cole would react if he found out. He saw the shiny blade a part of him wanted to do it to his thighs. "What am I thinking? I can't do that!," Jay said. Jay threw the blade across the room. Jay stood up and threw his closet doors open.

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