Childhood Friends {Bruise}

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This is not requested so basically Cole tries to Jay how to dance.*zooms in on tries* by the way the two are two years apart so Cole is 9 and Jay is 7 so yeah this makes no sense
Ship- Bruise
Category- fluff
Requested- ➖
Third POV 
Cole and Jay, the best of friends, the two had a meeting place in the middle of both there houses. They would meet there all the time. However this time Cole wanted to teach Jay to dance since his dad taught Cole.

Cole POV
I wanted to Jay to dance since I know how. "Jay!," I yelled as we ran to each other and hugged. We don't see each other as much anymore. So I said to Jay "So Jay since I know how to dance. I decided I want to teach you." "Cole I don- ugh FINE" Jay replied.

Third Person POV
"Put you hand here and other hand here. I'll lead" Cole said. So Cole had one hand in Jay's and the other on his waist. Jay had his hand in Cole's and the other on his shoulder. "We don't even have any music" Jay said. "We'll mange" Cole replied. Cole moves his left foot forward "move your right foot back" Cole told Jay. "Step normally, not so big" Cole said. Jay listened "Now move your left foot like this" Cole said moving his right foot forward then standing lags apart. "Ok" Jay said and moved his left foot. "And close" Cole said standing feet together. "That was easier than I thought" Jay confessed. "Told you" Cole said.

Jay stepped on Coles toes sometimes. But it didn't really hurt since the two were barefoot on the grass. Cole eventually dipped Jay. He gave Jay a quick peck on the lips like father told him to do after a dance. Since Jay was two years younger he stood there in shock. Cole pulled away. "Sorry. I forgot" Cole said standing up right. "I-It's ok" Jay said slightly flustered.

Then Jay stood up right too. The two talked for a while. Then "Cole!," Cole looked to see his father walking towards them. "Sorry I have to go" Cole said. "Oh. Ok" Jay said smiling at Cole. Cole still had homework to do. So they hugged each other goodbye. Not knowing when they are going to see each other again.

They saw each other the next week, the next week, then the next. Then when Cole started high school his father told him he should focus on his studies. Cole begged his father to at least tell Jay. His father said "No, you don't need to worry about him. Go do your work." Jay waited for him but Cole never came. Jay came the next day. Then the next, at the end of the week Cole never came. Jay was only in 7th grade he didn't understand why Cole didn't hang out without him anymore.

-time skip to when Cole got recruited-

"C-Cole?," Jay said staring at Cole. "Jay!," Cole came running and engulfed Jay in a hug. "I-I never thought I would see you again" Jay said tearing up. "I'm so sorry I stopped showing up. My dad told me to only focus on my studies and never let me leave" Cole said. "Well at least I get to be with you now" Jay said. "Who's this?" Zane asked. "Zane! This is Cole. My best friend" Jay told Zane.

"You guys are gonna be great friends" Jay said.
A/N I'm sorry for not updating I got sick from being outside. With no jacket and yeah I'm really tired I wanted to post a thing so yeah hopefully you enjoyed yeah bye. 625 words

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