Nightmare Juice [Platonic Greenflame]

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A/N this is not a request I just wanted to do it so yeah it will be crapy because I tired I want to finish this though and I used a website called RP generators so yeah enjoy?

Edit- I edited this to seem more platonic. But if you want to view it in a romantic way you do you
Third Person POV
The team just came back from a very exhausting mission and Lloyd was going to grab a tea. He ended up grabbing the wrong tea packet that's how tired he was. Then killed the tea with sugar. To the point you couldn't tell it was tea anymore. Then he went to have a nap.

Lloyd POV
When I was going to my room and I finished the whole tea by the time I was in my room. I went to my bed and put my mug on the night stand by the bed then I went to sleep.

-Time skip brought to you by a fan girl-

Still Lloyd's POV
When I woke up, I looked at the clock on my bedside table, it read 9:00 PM, everyone must be eating dinner. I got up and went downstairs and saw everyone eating dinner as I anticipated. They all looked at me and Kai says "Look who's finally awake". With his usual smile on his face.

So I sat down by Kai and ate as Zane put a plate of food in front of me. Everyone was just talking and talking and I was lost in thought. Then when I dropped my fork I looked and saw everyone was looking at me. I said "What was the question?," everyone sighed. "We said what are you doing tomorrow since we have nothing to do" Kai said. "Um I don't know I'm not planning anything" I replied. Then we continued to eat. When we finished I went to my room. I checked the time it was 10:00. I didn't feel kinda tired even though I took a nap earlier. So I changed to my pajamas. Then, I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes to sleep.

In Lloyd's dream
It was pitch black. "Hello?," I called out. "Lloyd?," Kai said walking out of the darkness bringing light. "What is this?," I said. "Huh?," Kai said confused. "Hey Lloyd?," Kai said out of no where. "Yes?," I replied. "Your really nice and sweet, you know that?," Kai said. "Oh really? Thanks, it always seems like you guys expect so much from me. It's kinda overwhelming. I always feel like I'm letting you guys down some how" I said laughing a bit. "Wow your so dumb to believe that. You really are a disappointment. No wonder Morro possessed you" Kai said while pushing me to the ground. "Your such and idiot to think we would ever love you like family. Our lives were perfect until you came messed it up. I was gonna be the green ninja. You know that?," Kai said.

He continued to throw insults at me and kept pushing me to the ground when I tried to get up. "Stop" I muttered under my breath. "What? Sorry can't hear you" Kai said smiling very creepily. "I said STOP!," I yelled throwing an energy orb at him. He fell to the ground shaking in pain. "I didn't even put that much power in to it!," I said frustrated. "Your hurt the only people that like you. Your just like your father" Kai said.
End of Lloyd's dream

I shoot up. Looking around my room remembering. "It's just a dream. Just a dream. Your nothing like your father" I said to myself trying to calm down. Tears began flowing down my face. "I'm just like him. Aren't I?," I said while putting my hands to my face.


I woke up at 3 am for some reason. I got up and got out of bed to get a snack from the kitchen. Then I heard cries. I followed the noise and it lead to Lloyd's room. "Lloyd?," I asked opening his door. "Kai what are you- what are you doing awake?," Lloyd stuttered taking breaths between his words. "I was going to get something to eat but I heard you crying so I came to see what's up" I answered walking to him.

"Kai I'm sorry I stole your spot as the green ninja" he said looking to the floor. "Lloyd I said it's fine. Besides it's more fun being your knight in shining armor and protecting you" I said trying to comfort him. "I'm really sorry I just came into your guy's lives after I ruined everything" Lloyd said crying a bit more. "Hey you didn't ruin anything. There's nothing to be sorry about. Lloyd we all appreciate you and love you" I said.

"I feel like you guy's are always are disappointed in me. Like I can do so much more" Lloyd said. "Lloyd we're always proud of you. No matter what. Your stronger than all of us. So why does it matter" I said. "Can I have a hug?," Lloyd asked. "You didn't even have to ask" I said bringing Lloyd into a hug.

"I feel so much better know. Telling you how I felt" Lloyd said.

Lloyd POV
"Well you should be going back to bed" Kai said getting up to leave. "W-wait can you stay until I fall asleep?," I asked. Kai nodded then sat back down and got comfortable. I closed my eyes. I felt happy. Then I went to sleep again.

A/N so got my first chapter done please suggest what I do next it would help a lot and no OCs or X readers I can't do those honestly so yeah BYE. 956 words

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