A highschool AU {Platonic Bruise}

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Ship- Platonic Bruise
Category- Alternate Universe
Requested- ➖
Hi again! Well here I am again. I'm going to write as much as possible. Ok so hear me out a high school AU bc I want everyone to be in sports. So I recently got into an anime 'Haikyuu'. Basically all about volleyball and I'm just like 'But how about Ninjago? Hehe' so yeah. Also my idea is Jay is libero, Cole is the ace, Kai and Noah (a filler character) are wing spikers. Lloyd and Zane are setters. But in games Zane sets and Lloyd just plays where he is needed. Also at practice one morning Jay landed on his ankle wrong and sprained it. Mother Cole to the rescue :3. Hope you enjoy!

Reader's POV
"I got it!," Jay yelled as he got under the ball. "Good receive!," Cole yelled. The ball went to Lloyd's hands like his hands were a magnet. "Left side!," Cole yelled. Lloyd gave Cole a toss. Kai went up for the block. As always Cole's spike went through Kai's hands. "And score!," Jay yelled while throwing his hands in the air. The team were playing a 3 on 3 for the last 30 minutes of practice. It was Jay, Lloyd, and Cole against Kai, Zane and Noah. "It's just no fair you have the team's libero and the ace" Noah exclaimed. "I know! It's so unfair" Kai said. "You guys aren't giving up now are you?," Zane asked.

"No!," Kai and Noah yelled. Next Cole's team served. "Great Cole's up to serve" Kai said. Coach Wu blew the whistle signaling Cole to serve. Cole ran and threw up the ball then, jumped and hit the ball. Kai slide on the floor and hit the ball towards Zane. "Over here!," Noah yelled. Zane set to Noah. By this time Kai jumped up ready to get the ball. Noah did his approach and hit the ball. Lloyd got a one touch. "Nice!," Cole said. "Got it!," Jay yelled. Lloyd set it to Cole and Cole killed it. "And that's game!," Nya said.

"Whoo!," Lloyd said as he threw his hands in the air. "I won for once" Lloyd said. "Well that's what it's like to be on our team" Cole said. Jay was breathing hard. Nya was handing out the water. "Hey good job Jay" Cole said. "Thanks" Jay replies before drinking the water. Zane was also drinking water however, Noah and Kai were on the floor. "Argh. Life is too hard" Kai said while crawling over to the rest of the team. "I don't think I can go on" Noah said. "Oh stop being dramatic" Nya while slapping her brother behind the head. "Ow" Kai said while holding his head. After seeing that Noah jumped up and went to have some water. Coach Wu walked over. "Good practice today. Morning practice tomorrow so we don't need to put the equipment away. So everyone go home and get some rest and see you tomorrow" Wu said and walked out. "Kai I need to put the water away and lock the doors so you can wait or I'll catch up with you in a bit" Nya said while carrying the water bottle to the club room. "I'll be waiting for you!," Kai yelled to his sister.

Jay took of his volleyball shoes and put it in his slot in the shoe shelf outside the gym. Cole followed Jay. "I need to go to the club room. I left my bag in there" Jay said. "I'll wait for you" Cole said. Jay smiled before heading up the stairs outside the gym to the club room to retrieve his bag. "Oh hey Nya" Jay said. "Hey Jay" Nya replied. Jay walked over to his bag and pulled his volleyball hoodie on. His hoodie had 'Ninjago High Volleyball' written on the front on the right side. On the back it had 'Walker' and 'Libero' and '6'. "Hey Jay" Nya said before Jay walked out. "Yeah" Jay replied. "Have good night" Nya said. "Erm. Yeah you too" Jay said awkwardly before running down the stairs to Cole.

"I'm so tired" Jay said. "Yeah me too" Cole said. "I don't want to have morning practice tomorrow" Jay said. "Stop whining" Cole replied. "But I have to wake up early" Jay said. "Well true, but, at least we can practice more at least" Cole said. "That is true" Jay replied. "I still don't want to wake up so early though" Jay whined. "Hey don't you have to practice those jumpsets?," Cole asked trying to get Jay to stop whining about waking up early. "Oh yeah" Jay remembered then being excited about getting more practice. "Well rest well and see you tomorrow" Cole said before taking a turn toward his home. Jay continued walking forward, his home only a 5 minute walk away.

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