Chapter Eighty-One

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 [Spitfire : Chapter Eighty-One]

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[Spitfire : Chapter Eighty-One]

1 August, 1997

The first of August, 1997 left the Burrow more rambunctious and chaotic than ever before, at one point, the Ministry even came. However, that may have been unrelated to the event at hand; the summer wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour. Molly spent half the day ordering all the Weasleys around, with the exception of George, who she babied due to his ear-related injury. Even Cassie and Hermione were sent to work, Hermione spent the day cleaning dishes and preparing them in the great white marquee outside in the orchid, Cassie was tasked with clearing said orchid of garden gnomes. Fred spent his time organizing rows of chairs, his twin watching with the broadest most shite-eating grin, and everyone else helped set up the masquee and decorate for the incoming visitors.

    By three o'clock, Mrs. Weasley tasked Harry, Ron, Fred, and George with greeting guests. Cassie was inside the twins' room dressing into a tulip-colored cocktail dress, personally chosen by Fleur who didn't want the Weasley-centric family looking terrible in front of her very judgeworth French-speaking mother and grandmother.

     Fiona ran in as she pulled on a pair of white-shaded leg-stockings, a bright grin on her face. "Cassie, there's people here!"

    "That happens at weddings," Cas said, now smoothing out the wrinkles of her dress. She changed her blue hair into a rosewood-hue to match her outfit. "Do they happen to call themselves 'guests?'"

    "Your sarcasm is uncalled for," the girl said, crossing her arms. She was wearing a trout-shade dress that went down to her ankles, and covered her arms to her wrists. On top of that she wore a white hijab which danced around her cheeks generously with every facial movement. "Should I go greet them?'

    "Do you know any of them?"


    "Go ahead," Cassie shrugged, "don't scare anyone away, and be weary around the French people."

    Fiona scoffed, "Je peux très bien gérer les oignons!"

     Cassie was rusty on her French, but she knew for a fact 'oignons' did not mean the word Fiona intended. "Call them onions and they'll start a bloody revolution, Fi."

     "Did I say onions again?" The girl cringed, "I meant people!'

     "I knew what you meant," Cassie gave herself one more look-over before putting on her heels, a size too small, and made her way to leave the Burrow and join everyone outside. Fiona followed behind her but left a different direction. There was music playing, sung in a language Cassie couldn't understand, but could easily identify as French due to her long-lived friendship with Rose Murphy. She found the twins at the entrance of the masquee.

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