That one annoying friend

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Everyone has that one friend that just tends to be really annoying. For example, have you ever planned something with one friend, and then all of a sudden the one annoying friend butts in and then they invite themselves into your activity your doing. Yeah, happens a lot with me.

I'm not going to be rude, or at least try not to be, but honestly, I hate those kind of people. I really don't like it when people invite themselves to events when they weren't invited.

For example...

Ok, so your having a party right, and all your friends arrive. And just when everyone shows up, the doorbell rings, and there is the one friend you didn't want to come, because they aren't really very good party guests, and they say "I brought twister".

I also hate it when your going to a place that requires money and they hint constantly that they need money like "Gosh, I wish I had some money to buy this" or "Oh shoot I need some money".
And they drop hints like that till you give them money.

I hate those kind of people and friends, they are just those kind of people who you don't ever want to be around.

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