When someone sinks your ships

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If you know me well, you should know I love shipping. Shipping is common thing that people do in a fandom,  but what I hate so much is that when your shipping a certain ship, and let's say you make a post on a social media page about that ship, and someone comments on it and they tell you its a horrible ship and why it shouldn't be shipped. 

I hate this so much.

When someone is shipping something that they are passionate about, you shouldn't try and ruin it for them just because you don't like the ship, if you don't like the ship, just don't say anything.

I see a lot of this on Youtube when someone makes a video on a certain ship, and if they don't like the ship, they hate on it and they try to convince people to not ship that certain ship and to ship something else (which just so happens to be the ship they prefer).

Don't sink peoples ships.

It's not cool.

People don't appreciate it.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and if you don't like their opinion, just don't say anything rude or mean about it. That's all there is to it.

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