When people don't do things in order

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A/N: Trigger warnings, includes swearing and unnecessary capitalized words.

Ok, honestly, this has to be one of the things hate most, when I suggest a TV show or book series to someone, or even a movie series, you would expect someone to read/watch that in order right?

Well, for some reason, most people decide to do it our of order, why? I have no fucking idea.

Seriously, who would think that would be a good idea in the first place? I give you this thing I suggest you should take a look at, but mind you, it is very important you go in order or then it wont make any sense, BUT THEY DO IT ANYWAYS. Then when they come up to you and act like they know everything about the thing you showed them, when they really have no idea about what is happening in the TV show/book/movie series. Especially when its something that is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY to go in order because when you skip around, you will be like 'Oh shit all the characters died somehow, what the hell did I miss'. It is probably a big issue that this makes me angry but I couldn't think of anything else to put in this book of soon-to-be absolute trash, hell it probably already is trash. Whatever.

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