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Ok, for the record, I hate things that are supposed to penetrate my skin. At that goes for needles and bee sting alike, anything like that actually.

Just recently I had gotten my blood drawn to check my thyroid, but when the nurse started to stick the needle in my arm, I passed out. And of course when I woke up she was done and I had a huge honking bruise in the crease of my arm. 

So yeah, I hate needles.

Like with a passion, I love hating them.

But if I were a nurse, and I had to draw someones blood, I couldn't do it.

I would just leave before I collapse on the ground.

I can't even listen to someone talk about it or watch it on TV.

I can watch someone being ripped apart and I would be perfectly ok, but if I see someone getting a needle jabbed into their body, I'm down for the count.

I hate that that always happens, but hey, what can I do. *shrug*

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