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I had a peaceful night, but finally it was time to wake up and to my surprise my boyfriend Brian did something special.

- Wake up my love, I brought what you like best.  A tuna sandwich with orange juice. Did you like Ashley?

He's cute when he wants to be, we dated for about 2 years and I still haven't gotten used to his way haha.

I remember that some college friends invited me to an event.  It was about beauty I think.  I never got to be interested in it, but I could get something new.

I had breakfast, and when college time was approaching, Brian drove me there.  When he arrives he gives me a kiss and goes to his work.  And I'll have one more day of study and... Hey, looks like Martha is talking to someone.

Martha is my best friend, we were close at the time she had some self-esteem problems, she was overweight and I helped her get over it, and for a long time she had been maintaining her diet.

- Hi Martha!  And that lecture you told me is still going on?

She confirms, and says she is very excited about the lecture.  After that, we see at the gate, someone familiar arriving.

It was Cherry, another very nice classmate. She is very thin, so thin that I almost never see her eating. She hates junk food, and prefer to eat natural things, most of the times. She is quite shy, generally preferring to stay in the books than meeting new people. 

In the moment Cherry saw us, she came running and graced us happily.  She's a lot more lively when she has friends around haha.

We talked about some college issues, during our chat I saw Martha buying a hotdog, it seemed to be a relapse.  And in jest I say.

- Be careful not to get fat again, hehe.

She's a little embarrassed, but it's okay.  Later the lecture would begin.  Me and my friends stayed in our seats waiting.  Cherry and Martha were eating chips.  It still bothered me to see Martha eating those things.  But I didn't give it that much importance, they started saying things like "Margo is amazing, she prepared for this talk like never before."  I kept listening to her praise the speaker, until I saw a lady heading to the stage.

She had dark brown hair, green eyes, a simple brown dress, a few wrinkles on her face, and was plump.  What she did stand out for was a slightly shiny green ring on her right index finger.  She was Margo, who after introducing herself began to tell a story.

"When God created man, Adam, from clay. Yet he did not make it alone. By his side was Lilith, made in the same way, being the first woman. Lilith was curious, wanting to learn about the world, and questioned everything. what he saw. A free spirit, thirsty for will. What left Adam oppressed, it didn't take long before the proud creator rebuked her. She wouldn't accept that she was silent, and finally the Almighty demonized her and preferred to let her memory be left to oblivion... And with that "error" he in his arrogance created Eve, now taken from Adam's rib. So that she would forever be submissive to him. Just as their daughters should do the same to their sons "

Margo was getting my attention more and more.  She spoke incredibly well and had a lot to say.  She told how beautiful women are just the way they are.  How society began to impose labels, how women should dress and dress.  Emphasizing how toxic this is, opening my eyes.

Since I was little she did or behaved so dependent on others.  I just realized that... Wow, everything changed, I listened to the rest of the talk snacking on one of the hotdogs my friends brought.

By the end of the lecture, I was sure I was changed.  I drove home, when Brian arrived, he prepared dinner.

- Hey Ashley, how was that lecture?  Was that chat as good or as boring as he thought it would be?

Then I told him everything that happened, he thought it was really cool that I tried to feel freer.  And according to him, I look even prettier without makeup he he.

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