A temporary goodbye

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I feel so good.  Stuffing myself with every meal is very comforting.  Even a good burp is welcome haha.  It's getting really late, probably my boyfriend It'll take even longer to arrive.  Better go to sleep soon, tomorrow we can talk, but first I think I'll check what's in the fridge.

The next day I wake up and find my boyfriend saying, "You look like you had a good time yesterday, didn't you?"  I look at the bed and there were only a few boxes of chocolates I had in the fridge.  Then I reply, "Maybe I exaggerated a little hehe. But Brian, how was yesterday?"  He says some employees were going to be fired, luckily he got away with it.  And as my boyfriend is exemplary, he was chosen to do a brief work outside the country.  He would be gone for a month, if all went well he could get a big promotion.

I'm very happy for him, I'm full of support.  Brian wasn't leaving the country until the weekend, five days from now.  With that he had time to prepare.

In the two days after this news, we bought suitcases and separated all his clothes.  Wow, he's really nervous, today I could order a pizza to see if he calms down.

I ordered a large mozzarella pizza, it arrived quickly.  I ate half of it with great pleasure, I was going to eat more, but after the fourth slice I noticed that Brian had a worried face on me.  I ask if everything is ok, and he says "Baby, it's nice of you to change and all, but don't you think you're over the top?"  I try to say it's just one time, that it was no big deal.

Even trying to convince him, he was still visibly worried.  And the last three days passed in the same way.  At the airport we were about to say goodbye, because the day had finally arrived.  He with his prettiest toothpick and I with a red dress, which was strangely much tighter than usual.  When the time comes, he says goodbye and says "take care of everything and control yourself he he".  I say goodbye and later see his plane leaving the airport.

After that Martha called me to we have dinner together. It was a good idea. We are going to the light pizza, my favorite place for dinner. There we talked about how long Brian will be in other country, and why it means too much for him. He will be much more recognized on his job after that, and I don't wanna worry him.

I ordered a large pizza to both of us. Gosh, it tastes soo good. While I prove my first slice, I noticed Martha ate 2 slices already. When we finish I noticed that Martha eat more than half of the pizza.

It was weird, expecially that I thought in bring some slices for home, but that's okay. Like Margo said, we can be as we want. Later I said goodbye and drove to home.

Almost tweet minutes later, I finally got home. I'm hungry and there were a few slices of pizza left in the fridge.  Looking at them I remember Brian's words "control yourself", but I remember Margo too... So I look at the slices and say "maybe I could order two more pizzas like that".

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