Flash back

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Flashback to a few days before :
Scott ,Mitch ,Avi, Kirsti, and Kevin all went to the club with a few friends of there own. "I wanna dance" said Kirsti as she grabed Avis hand "Same here" Mitch said. Scott agreed to go dance with Mitch. they all dance for what seemed like hours. after talking for a bit Kirsti said she wasn't feeling the best "are you ok" Avi asked worried "yeah I'm fine just a headache I probably just drank to much" she said with a smile. "yeah it's getting late we need to start heading home as well" Scott said trying to keep Mitch from falling over him being really drunk and all.
They all said their goodbyes and all headed to there houses. "Tonight was soo fun" Mitch said with a slight slur. "yeah it really was" he said while looking at Mitch with a grin. he hadn't notice he was staring "what?" Mitch asked "huh oh it's just that your a great friend"
"Awww Thanks so are you" Scott smiled to himself.

Scott and Mitch arrived home Mitch said goodnight to Scott and went to sleep. Scott went to his room and all he could do was stare at his ceiling thinking of the amazing night with Mitch and how he knew he was gonna wake up with a huge headache in the morning.
Scott has always had feeling for his best friend since the end of high school. Scott and Mitch stayed close all there life when Mitch came out and said he was gay in 9th grade all the kids laughed at him and some kids even started teasing him and pushing him around. Scott always stood up for Mitch he always beat the kids that picked on him. When Scott discovered he had feeling for Mitch he finally came out as well and he finally got up the courage to ask Mitch to be his just as he dreamed about but he was to late he went up to Mitch and Mitch started talking about this new guy he was seeing his name was Travis Purl. Travis seemed like everything you would look for in a guy he was beautiful he was strong he was nice and caring and made Mitch happy. him and Mitch were together for a very long time till one day when he came running into my parents house crying. he told me that he walked in on Travis in bed with another guy which made no sense he always spent time with Travis they were hardly ever apart and it really looked like travis really loved him he would do anything for Mitch. Travis has tried calling him texting him he even tried to talk to me he finally stopped after a few weeks of it and we haven't heard from him since maybe he just gave up...so we thought.
As Scott was thinking he heard a noise coming from the kitchen
"I doubt it's Mitch he pretty much knocked out as soon as we got here." he thought it was probably just the cat till he saw Wyatt laying in the corner of his room on top of a pile of blankets. he quietly got out of bed and slightly peeked threw the crack of him bedroom door. He looked and saw no one until Mitch walked into sight. Scott hadn't realized he was holding his breath he let it out and walked into the kitchen.
"Everything ok?" I asked. Mitch jumped and made a gasping sound " sorry didn't mean to scare you"
"It's ok" he said with a giggle" yeah I just wanted a bottle of water"
We fell into silence until I broke it
"Hey Jennifer can I ask you something " I asked nervously
"Yeah of course anytime" he said with a concerned face "everything ok?"
"Yeah I just....um...wanted um to.... know if you would like to sleep in...my bed...with me tonight?" Once Scott saw the surprised look on Mitch's face I quickly said "You don't have to if you don't want to it's just sorry never mind I just go back to sleep...."
"I would love to" mitch said with a smile. We cuddled all night long we both fell asleep peacefully and everything was just perfect.

Mitch's POV
"I would love to" he just asked me to sleep with him omigosh wow i... I'm .. I am just so..don't get ahead of yourself Mitch he's just being nice
He just thinks you'll probably get hurt or something being half sober half drunk. all night we were so close to each other I didn't want it to ever end.
I woke up at 7 and just laid there looking at how beautiful Scott was and how peaceful he looked mitch thought it was time for him to get up. he finally got up kissed Scott on the head and walks out. Scott doesn't usually get up at till 8:30 or 9. I wrote a quite note that said "went to get coffee be back soon" I brushed my teeth changed into my black jeans my black shirt grabbed my wallet, keys, phone and headed out the door. as Mitch got into the car and started to drive off he couldn't get his mind off of last night. just how Scott was just so carful and gentle. Mitch had feelings for Scott ever since he came out. he fell for Scott but he was into girls at this time Mitch hated the fact that he knew there was never a chance of him and Scott being something other than friends. he tried to get over it and just about did till Scott came out gay. He was happy but still thought that there never was a chance but then Mitch met Travis and then found him in bed with another guy.
"Scott has helped me through so much" he thought " he help me with bullies with Travis with a place to live. he deserves everything." mitch pulled in and walked to get in line after a while he was next in line. he ordered and was waiting for his and Scott's coffee. Mitch started looked around and froze as he saw him sitting in the back of the café on his laptop. He saw me he shut his laptop and came up to me all with a happy relived smile on his face.
"Mitch hey how are you?" He asked. I said with an angry, irritated, scared voice "what are you doing here Travis?"

/// hey sorry for the horrible ending hope you liked it and I will try to not take forever to update again hoped you liked it if u have any ideas or questions or just anything at all feel free to ask meh bye-//:)<3

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