He came back

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"Mitch hey how are you?" He asked. I said in a angry ,irritated , scared voice "what are you doing here Travis?"
" I can't believe I found you" he said gladly "Mitch I swear nothing happened that night you saw me and jake together yes but nothing happens he just needed a place to stay please believe me"
"Here you go sir" the lady said
"Thank you" I took the coffee and the bag with gluten free pastries and stormed out of Starbucks. "Mitch please I swear" he chased after me
"Just leave me alone.....please" I got in to the car and drove off .I kept replaying that night seeing them together. you see Travis graduated a year before me he went to college right after high school we kept in touch though.one day I decided I would surprise him by visiting him. I drove over to where he was attending which wasn't that far away from where my parents lived. I parked the car and walked up onto the floor where his room was he gave me a key just in case he wasn't there or I needed something.the door was locked so I knocked a few times no answer I got out the key unlocked the door and I look over and see him in bed with another man sleeping they both had there shirts off. Travis woke up once he heard the door open he looked at me with a confused face looked down at the guy in his bed and immediately got up.
"Mitch it's not what it looks like nothing happen I swear"
"How could you I thought you loved me" Mitch felt his eyes getting watery
"I do I do more than anything I would do anything for you please believe me nothing happened.i smacked him across the face and stormed out. as we were talking jake woke up Travis ran after me he said something but I didn't listen I got into the car and drove to Scott's. he has help with so much I couldn't live my life without him. we moved to LA to get away from all that from him and started a new life just me and him well and Kirsti Avi and Kevin.
I parked the car and walked up the stairs I walked into our apartment and saw that Scott just woke up I slowly walked to the kitchen where he was he saw me walk in.
"Hi sara" scott said then looked at my face "OHMIGOODNESS what happened are you ok??" I hadn't even realized I was crying I look into his eyes and said
"Travis....I saw Travis" you could tell by his face that he was surprised "are you sure it was him" Scott asked
"Yeah he came up and talked to me" "did he touch you are you hurt what happened" Scott said with a very worried face
"Nothing happened he said he was happy to see me and that he missed me" Scott than wrapped
his arms around me and kept them there for a long while as I buried my face into his chest. he hated seeing me sad. he slightly put away and said "we have nothing to do it's ok if we sleep for a little longer" I nodded and said "let me just change"
"Ok" he said I went into my room took off my jeans and shirt and put on basketball shorts I brushed my teeth then walked out Scott put the coffee and pastries away I walked into Scott's room he was on his phone. I got in and snuggled up to Scott he put his arm around me and placed his phone on his nightstand "I love you Mitch" "I love you too Scott" and with that we both fell asleep. Wyatt came jumped top of us a fell asleep in between us.
I woke up around 5:30 pm and saw scott wasn't in bed I got up and walked into the kitchen and saw a note from Scott "I had to go do some stuff be back soon" I went to sit down and heard my phone buzzing I forgot it in Scott's room I went in got it and came back to sit down and I had 3 texts 2 from Scott and 1 from an unknown number. I open Scott's first.
S: hey I just went out to do some errands. text me when you wake up.
S: oh and love you!:)
M: hey I'm up text me when your on your way home love you too!!:)
After I sent that I opened the other message
?: it's was good seeing you I miss you and love you nothing happens that night I swear please text me back I need to hear from you.
I closed my phone and put it on the coffee table I heard a knock on the door. I walked over looked through the peek hole and saw Kirsti. I opened the door
"Hey Mitch" she said as she walked in "hey kirst"
"so guess what Avi just asked me out on a date tomorrow night"
Avi and Kirsti had liked each other ever since they saw each other. we met both Avi and Kevin when we heard about the sing-off we asked them to join our group and they did. Kirsti was dating Jeremy and had been with him for a long while Jeremy then started to have a drinking problem he would come in very late at night and make a mess would yell and one night he started to hit her and he said she was worthless and he stormed out the door they got into a huge fight and split we haven't seen him since. and then Avi came in and fell in love with her and they have been in love with Each other since but nether of them said anything till now.
"Yea he said he needed help to unload something in his car and when we went outside he grabbed my hands looked me in the eye and said "Kirsti you see I have liked you for a long time and I really can't hold my feeling in anymore will you be my girlfriend?" . "A little cheesey I know but it was a romantic moment I'm so excited" she said
"I'm so happy for you two" as I said that my phone started ringing I answered it the lady on the other line was talking. Kirsti saw the look on my face "Mitch what's wrong?"
I ended the call looked at her. "Scott's been in a really bad car accident and is in the hospital" "Ohmigosh lets go" she grabbed my hand I grabbed the keys and ran out the door and into the car
Kirstie's POV
we got there as soon as we could. we ran up to the desk "where is Scott hoying" i yelled "he is in surgery right now I need you to wait in the waiting room please" Mitch had started to run he ran until he found Scott on the bed covered in blood and dirt his arm had a large cut and so did his forehead and his leg was surely broken . I grabbed mitch and brought him back to the waiting room we were both crying. Mitch fell asleep on my arm and all I could think about is what if he doesn't make it what if he leaves us what would happen to us. the lady came up to us and said......

//// hey thanks for reading i will update real soon i promise if you have any ideas or questions again feel free to ask stay #fcute\\\\\

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