Why now

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Things had been fine for the past few weeks nothing really horrible happen well Mitch feels sick he looks sick too so he went to the clinic for a check up. I was starting to get worry he was gone for a while now I told myself it's ok he might of felt better and probably went shopping or something I put my phone in my pocket grabbed my keys and left a note "hey babe went out to do some errands Call me if you need something!! Love you!:)"
I placed the note in the fridge and headed out. As soon as I got to the car I saw Mitch's car parked a few cars away I walked up and saw Mitch in
there sobbing
I walk up slowly and knock on the window he jumped a bit wiped his tears as fast as he could and jumped out the car "hey babe" he said kissing my check and walking past me I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. He started to cry again and so did I.

after what happened at the car I picked him up and took him to our apartment room we went in my room and cuddle in bed, him quietly sobbing into my chest as my hand gently brushed his hair. "Cancer..." He said I looked down at him "what"
"They say I have cancer..... I'm gonna die Scott... I I don't want to die I'm to young who will take care of Wyatt who will listen to you in the morning who wil....."
"Shhhhh Mitch it's ok " I said cutting him off I was shocked by the news I was numb confused not understand so I was just trying my best to comfort him tears started to fall from my eyes as well
"Scott..... I love you"
"I love you too Mitch I love you too "
We sat there both of us crying not saying a word
"how much time do we have?" I ask breaking the silence
"I don't know "
My face fell as more and more tears were shed I was going to lose him my best friend my home my heart
"Scott can I ask you something?"
"Of course anything "
"Will you ...... Will you marry me Before I go?"
"Yes yes of course " I said and slammed
our lips together.
That night it hit me hard he's going to die I look over and see Mitch sleeping he looks peaceful and calm and I can't lose him I don't want to wake him so I walk out and place a note just in case he wakes up and wondering were I went. I put some pants on over my shorts, put a shirt on grab my keys, phone and head out the door. I got into the car and sped off I was crying screaming asking God what I did wrong why does he have to leave so soon he's to young. I pull up on into Kirstie's driveway and was about to knock on the door but then realized what if Mitch doesn't what anyone to know or he wants to tell them personally so I back away jump in my car and started driving again I just drove didn't know where I was going to end up mentally and physically I got mad he's leaving me doesn't he know what he's doing to me to all the people who love him STOP what am I doing how is this his fault I can't I just need to get away for a minute
Scott kept driving for miles and miles he found this spot and recognized parts of it he kept thinking have I been here before then he finds this little part where all the trees bushes leaves part and it a gorgeous view of L.A. He walks around and saw this paper lying on the ground he picked it up and read it...
"How am I supposed to tell people that I'm like this how am I going to tell them I'm gay I'm not going to be the little boy they want I'm going to be a disgrace to them they wont love me anymore im into guys not girls how will my mom take it how will i tell kirstie how will i tell scott oh scott he wont be my bestfriend anymore he will find out I have feelings for him and be disgusted" i stopped reading and started to look around again i saw marking in the tree I walk up and see "S" and "M" I realized my time with Mitch is limited and I need to be with him.
Scott jumped back into his car and sped home he slowly opened the door and saw Mitch faced the other side of the bed.
I saw how peaceful he was how calm he looked and I didn't want to lose that. So he walked to the side of the bed and shook his shoulder and his eyes shot wide open he started coughing and his body was shaking very fast. His eyes showed fear and worry I grabbed my phone and called 911 I told what was happening and looked over at Mitch and his arm was stretched out to me I picked him up and cradled him in my arms. I heard the sirens from outside
" it's ok Mitch I love you, do you hear me I love you and will never stop" tears start coming down both are faces very quickly I kissed him short but passionate he murmured something but didn't understand till it was when he gave his last breath that I knew he said "I love you Scott"

............He's dead

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