I need you

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The lady came up to us I stood up waking Mitch up "any news is he ok please say he's ok" "he's fine he is actually very lucky no brain damage or anything of that sort." "can we go see him please" Mitch begged
"Of course follow me" she took us to the room Mitch ran up to him and started crying. Kirsti was talking to the doctor and finish she then walked over to the bed where Scott was "the doctor said he will be out for a a while no to long I thought you would like to stay for a while she said you could stay the night if you wanted" "thank you kirsti" she kissed Scott on the head and than hugged me she looked at Scott and said "I love you Scott" and then she left. I looked at him and thought "I cant believe he almost died how would I live with myself if he was gone I couldn't live with myself I love him I would do anything for him he has done so much for me and I just need him in my life I want him in my life I looked at him and I started sobbing he moved his head I was hoping he wake up he stopped moving and went still again I say and waited there for hours but I got nothing.
I went to the restroom and when I came out I saw him awake. "SCOTT your awake" I ran up to him "mitch" he said I hugged him and didn't wanna let go "oww" he said "oh I'm so sorry I forgot I was just so happy to see you awake" "what happened first I'm coming home to you and then I wake up here" "you... you got in a really bad car accident" I shivered and felt tears falling from my eyes"I was scared...i thought....you were....gone that you left me" "hey hey I'm right here I'm not gonna leave you I love you Mitch Grassi" I looked him in the eye and I needed him I slammed my lips against his and he stayed there motionless I pulled away and realized what I have done "I'm sorry I..i dont... I don't know what..." Scott grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down and kissed me again. we kissed passionately and only stopped occasionally for a bit of air. I loved every second of it he pulled away and we stared into each other's eyes. "Mitch Grassi I have loved you ever since I came out I love you and need you will you be my boyfriend" "I kissed him and said "yes of course I would love too I love you"
Mitch crawled onto the bed and all night they cuddled.
Mitch woke up around 8 he looked at Scott and saw he was a bit pale he heard the device start beeping fast and loudly his heart started racing he was terrified
"Scott....Scott wake up please scott" the doctors rushed in and started to take him into surgery one of the doctor asked me to wait I couldn't I didn't want to they had to drag me out. once they got me to stay Kirsti Avi and Kevin came in "Mitch" Kevin yelled "what happened I know he was in an accident but I thought they said he was alright " "I don't know ..." I told them everything except the part when we kissed and that he was only awake for 15 minutes and said I could lay with him. They all hugged me a nurse came out and said "Scott was ok last night we haven't found out what it was but they will and they are doing everything they can" i started crying Kirsti came up and hugged me and said it was alright. I need him

////----Hey sorry sort of short chapter thanks for reading it hope you like it star it or leave a comment if I should keep going love yah---\\\\\\

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