Help (part 2)

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Mitch's POV:
"Travis... Mmmhhm....please get off" I said feeling tears falling from my eyes. Travis was trying to kiss me and I could tell by his actions that he didn't only want kissed and cuddles but a lot more.

scott's POV:

" ugghhh i hate traffic so much....i am so board.... will you move already" scott said irritated and honking his horn. "finally" he said when the traffic started moving a bit faster. he got through all the traffic and headed to his appartment he was driving and looked outside the window and said "oh hey isnt the mitch's favorite jewlery shop" scott started thinking of how things would be if they were to get married have kids how everything would change. pentatonix wouldnt be the same it just would be diffrent but it would be a good diffrent .scott pulled into the parking lot and unbuckled the seatbelt and walked to the door he hesitated before opening the door but walked in. as soon as he did he was shocked about all the choices he slowly walked up to the desk and the woman said "hello sir how can i help you?"

"um i want a ring for my boyfriend nothing huge just like a promise ring"

Mitch's POV:

" TRAVIS GET AWAY FROM ME PLEASE!!!"i yelled runnig out of the bedroom i manage to grab a pair of underware and a long shirt. "travis why are you doing this?"

"beacause you told me you loved me that you would always be there for me then then you left YOU LEFT ME!!.....for him."he said pointing to a picture of scott and me on our 3rd date we went to the carnival and had kirstie come with us she took that very picture. i smiled a bit even with all this happening just thinking about scott makes all the bad all the pain all the sadness go away i look back at travis. then i fall to the floor and feel the side of my face stinging and red.....he hit me. he grabed my arm and said "im not going to lose you again your coming with me" and with that he grabbed me and dragged me to the door he opened it and we saw scott standing right there at the door his smile completely went away he looked at my face and looked up at travis's next thing i see is scott and travis going at it with each other scott pinned travis to the wall and punched him in the stomache then other way around I was screaming "STOP PLEASE STOP!!!!!" At the same time I was wondering how no one else could hear us. I grabbed my phone and was trying to call the police then I looked up one last time and saw Scott on the ground and Travis standing over him with a gun in his hand. "TRAVIS NOOOO" and Travis placed his finger on the trigger he looked at me and realized what he was doing he backed away and lowered the gun and then looked at Scott again raised his gun *BANG*
I hesitated to even walk through the doors of the funeral house let alone sit during it. I looked over my shoulder and glad to see Scott sitting next to me

After the funeral we slowly walked into our apartment where everything happened
"I can't believe he took his own life because of me.... It's all my fault"
"It is not you fault Mitch he was crazy he tried to kill us it is NOT your fault."
"I'm sorry I just can't believe it all happened here right here...,.wait what is this" he says picking up a little black box from the bottom of the sofa he opened it *gasp* "he....he was going propose to me." Mitch said quickly placing the box on the table and pacing around looking at the box.
"Um... Mitch that....that ring um.... that ring wasn't from him..." Mitch looked at me with a shocked face "oh Scott i...i I don't think I'm ready i...."
"It's not a wedding ring it's a promise ring so it will always be a reminder of our love" I said blushing a bit and looking at me hands mitch placed his hand on the bottom of my chin and gently lifted my head and kissed my lips
"Scott I love it and I always promise my love to you."

///// so yeah that's my chapter. um I hoped you liked it Thank you for reading-/////

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