Is he okay??

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I need him. I was pacing back and forth the whole time
"Mitch please come sit down" Kirsti said with a worried face
"Kirsti I don't know what happened he was fine last night but then he just...." I put my back up against a wall slid down and started sobbing Kirsti came up too me and said "Mitch it's gonna be ok he's gonna be fine" we sat there Kevin and Avi came and sat with us as well and as we all just sat there Esther and jake came in and saw us Avi stood up and told them everything.

We sat there for what felt like hours then a nurse came in Kirsti jumped up and asked "is he going to be ok?" "yes he going to be fine there was a few problems with the medicine and we believe he might of been on something already and the one we gave him is very strong and it's nothing too serious. you can come see him if you want only 2 at a time" Kevin said me and Kirsti could go we went without hesitation he was awake talking to one of the nurses. "Thank God you're okay" I said with a smile he giggled. I hugged him and then Kirsti. " I kinda like being in a hospital it's pretty fun, people bring you food the T.V. remote is always right here you never have to get up" we all start laughing. we all talked for a while telling jokes but then I remembered that the others are out there waiting to see him so I said "okay well I'll be back I want to let you talk to the others they are all waiting to see you" Kirsti kissed him on the head and hugged him and went out I looked at Scott in the eye I leaned down and are lips connected we kissed for a while Scott's giggle made up pull apart "I love you Mitch" "I love you too" I walked out with a huge grin on my face with being relieved that he is ok and that I can finally call him mine. I walk back to the waiting area and Avi and Esther go to see him. after them Kevin and jake went in they stared to come back and I was about to go in until Aaron came busting in through the doors. as soon as I saw him my stomach twisted.
Aaron is Scott's ex boyfriend. Scott and Aaron were together for the longest time Aaron was there for Scott as soon as he came out Aaron made Scott feel proud about who he is and showed him that it's okay. they were together for at least a year and half. he seemed like he was the perfect boyfriend until he got himself and Scott into bad situations. Scott was going to leave him but Aaron had an overdose and then he stayed to look after him he got better but got right back to wear he started and Scott had no choice but to so he left him and Aaron didn't take it well he was very upset and started to follow Scott. he followed Mitch Kirsti and Scott to L.A. . that night we finished unpacking everything Mitch told Scott "I'm gonna go do a few things I'll be back in a hour or two if you need anything just call me" "ok" he said Mitch walked out and 10 minutes after that Scott heard a knock on the door he looked through the peephole and saw it was being covered he thought Mitch must be pulling a prank or something on him he opened the door and saw Aaron standing right in the doorway looking horrible he looked like he hadn't taken a shower in days his eyes were bloodshot red and you could smell all the drugs on him the exact same when I left him. "what are you doing here" Scott said and by him voice you could tell he was terrified "I miss you Scott it's been so long" "you need to leave" Scott tried to sound brave when he said that but you could still tell. " but I just got here Scotty.......hey little Mitchy isn't here right now so why don't we have some fun" he said while getting closer to Scott. Scott keep backing away from him "Aaron you need to leave please go your sick and you need help"
"I need you Scott come on don't you want a little fun" he cornered Scott and got closer and closer he tried to kiss Scott but Scott kept turning his head "hey" Aaron was now yelling "I want you so I'm gonna have you he grabbed Scott's head and slammed his lips against Scott's Scott pulled away and pushed him off Aaron fell on the coffee table and smashed it and Scott went running to the bathroom locked the door and called 9-1-1. Aaron was pushing up against the door trying to bring it down he ran into it hard so it would fall he finally got in and right when he grabbed Scott and dragged him to the living room couch the police came in and handcuffed him and took him away he was put in jail for the drugs and for assault.
I guess he was released he saw me and came up to me a asked where's Scott I showed him and as soon as Scott saw him he yelled "GET OUT NOW"

////---hey hope you like it so far thanks for reading it I'm not good at all with hospital stuff and police stuff sorry and if you have any ideas questions or anything just tell me bye---////

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