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I'm so sorry for returning after 1927373920 years lol. Here is the new chapter:

Author POV

"Jungkook!? Jin Hyung?!" You said terrified. When Jin and Jungkook were constantly arguing, you got tired and just started moving ahead to find some other clues because you couldn't give up on your lunch. After all, food is everything.

However, after some 5-10 minutes, you didn't even realise and ended up in an unfamiliar place. This was the dark area of the museum where nobody used to go because popular belief suggested that this place was haunted. But now there were no rewinding things. You ended up there and didn't know what to do so you called out for Jin and Jungkook hoping that they'd hear you and come save you. And the worst thing is you even lost the cameraman. So now it was just you all alone in this dark area with absolutely no visibility.

You were trembling and praying simultaneously. And Taehyung? You didn't know because you weren't paying attention to your older surroundings at all.

"Anyways it's better being here all alone than being with that heartless man", you mumbled to yourself although you were freaking out.

"Oh god I can't even see where I am going. I just keep falling and stumbling. Ughhh I should have just stayed at the hotel. Oh, how I wish I could watch my favourite movies and eat as much as I want."

You kept talking to yourself while stumbling when suddenly your body felt another body's presence in front of you.

"Ahhh! Oh my god I never believed in ghosts. Oh my god please save me. Please don't be a ghost. I haven't committed any sins please leave me!" You screamed and were about to fall down but a strong pair of arms saved you.

"Y/n!? Is that you?" He said.

"Wait, I've never seen a ghost talk in the movies..", you replied confused.

"Yahh! You think I'm a ghost? Ahahahahah hahah", the male chuckled.

"Wait, I think this voice is familiar".

"Y/n!! Don't you remember me? We ate pizza at night in the restaurant?!"

"Ohhh Chanyeol!! Haha uhh you scared me hah- um - hahahaha", you laughed sheepishly.

Chanyeol was staring at you confused. Ofcourse he was confused, you were looking creepy and weird laughing like that.

He had his phone with him so he turned on the flashlight so that there was enough light for you both to be able to see each other as well as the surroundings.

"Wow.. what were you doing here all alone? That too in this haunted side of the museum?" He asked.

"Ahh... I was in the middle of the shoot when I got lost."

"Oh.." he made an o shape with his lips.

"Cute." You thought.

"What?!" He asked surprised.


"Did you just call me cute"?

"How can he read my mind?" You said to yourself, until you realised that you actually said it out loud. You were now embarrassed and your face was turning red.

"Y/n are you alright? Your face is turning red."

"I need water, I can't breathe. Help me get out of here please. Let's goooo", you rushed trying to change the topic.

Chanyeol led you through the haunted maze. Thanks to his flashlight. Finally, you both came out of the museum and sat down on the stairs outside.

Taehyung POV

I am so tired of Jin Hyung and Jungkook fighting all the time. Why are they so kiddish. I should have just stayed in the hotel room with IU. Ughh.

While I tried to keep my composure, the youngest and the oldest continued their argument when I realized she was gone. Now I don't know why I did that but I immediately saw myself walking towards an unknown path because for some reason I felt uneasy that she suddenly disappeared. The cameraman was with us so it meant she was alone.

After 5-10 mins

Okay, I think I am lost because I've been roaming around the same place for 10 minutes now. Where on earth did she just vanish. I feel so uneasy. Don't get me wrong. It's not like I care, I am just worried for my teammate and more because I know how scared she is of being alone and especially in the dark........

Didn't I leave her alone too?

Anyways where is she? I lost Jungkook Jin hyung too now. 

I suddenly heard Jin Hyung calling out for Y/n.

"Y/n-aah where are you?"
"Hyung look there, Taehyung is there". Jungkook said running towards me.

"Yah! Where were you both- where is y/n??"

"I don't know hyung."

"What did you just say?" Jungkook glared at me.

"It is your fault. You both kept arguing and she suddenly vanished. So I went out to look for her but then the museum's paths were so confusing that I also got lost." I shouted.

"I am so worried about her. She is so scared of the dark. I don't want her to cry".  Jungkook said in a low tone.

Everyone was trying to find Y/n everywhere. But she was nowhere to be found. Finally, we all came to the exit of the museum. I was calming myself from Jungkook's taunts when I suddenly saw Y/n with that same guy I saw the other day.

Jungkook ran to her. " Yah where were you we were so worried.. and who is this?" He asked hurriedly.

"Jungkook I got lost and that's when Chanyeol saved me". She smiled.

Oh so his name is Chanyeol. That's one ugly name. Ew.

"Annyeong Jungkook! I like your songs!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"Oh kamsamnida!" Jungkook smiled.

Then all the team members came out to see Y/n with Chanyeol and she introduced everyone to him. They were all having a nice chat. Then it was my turn.

"And uh finally, um this is Taehyung. Taehyung that's Chanyeol".

"Y/n I know, you guys are really popular you know that right?" He chuckled and she laughed.

And I hated it. I stomped off from that place because I don't know I wanted to go meet IU. The game was over anyways and I couldn't stand that chenlo guy or whatever his name was.

Back at IU's room

"Whats wrong Tae? You seem upset? Did she do anything?"

"No. Can we just please cuddle?"

"Ofcourse Tae. Why would you ask me that.. that's really funny haha".

"Yeah.. it is funny. Everything right now is funny. Me being on a trip with the boys and her but also sleeping in your room with you. Me getting the hotel room right beside her room. She finding a new guy who is clearly head over heels for her and... And me suddenly getting affected by this when I already divorced her." Taehyung said quietly before dozing off. 

Thankyou for reading ily all. I know I came back after a year. I lost many readers but even if 1 of you reads my story I will write more and update.


You're Mine- Book 2 ||Kim Taehyung||Where stories live. Discover now