17- Jealousy

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Taehyung POV

Ahh.. now i will have to deal with IU. She is gonna be so mad when i ask her to go back to Korea. 

'Hey, um.. so Bang Pd-nim knows you're here. And, uh he was really pissed off so I think its better for you to go back for now." 

'What the hell? I came here for you and all of a sudden im supposed to go back. What is this bullshit taehyung? IU shouted. 

'What do you want me to do god. Do i just rebel against my company for you? You know i cant do that. And, then pd-nim is right. If fans caught this, they will drag  Y/n in this too. She doesn't deserve it'. I said mumbling the last few words. 

'Oh so you suddenly care about her? Haha, you left her. You do remember this right? it was all your fault. Anyways im gonna leave tomorrow, you dont care about me and i have to start my next shooting in a few days.' She was upset.

'I am so sorry babe. I promise when i come back, i will make it up to you. You know i love you IU. I care about you which is why i want you to leave.' I said hugging her. 

'okay.' She said quietly as we both went to sleep. 

Your POV 

UGHHH... who is calling me at this time. Its just 7am god! 


'y/n.. are you feeling better?' , Jungkook said from the other side.


'No? Why? ' 

'Because jungkook you woke me up at 7 am in the frickin morning and its our day off!'

'Aishhhh lazy girl. I thought you were still hurting'. 

'I - i am..' 

'y/n, it will be fine i promise. besides IU already left. i just saw her checking out the hotel'.


'okay you go back to sleep, wake up in 1 hour max we probably will go camping today'! He exclaimed. 

Why is this kid always so excited. 

I woke up some time later and received a text on my phone. 

Chanyeol: Did you sleep well?

Why is he texting me out of nowhere?

Chanyeol: I know you read my text. 

You: I just woke up. Why are you suddenly asking me this?

Chanyeol: Ahh... you don't remember?

You: Remember wha-


Chanyeol: I have to go right now. Ttyl

You: Byee..

i can't help but blush now that i think about last night. How did this even happen. aish what are you thinking idiot. He probably said it to make me feel better about myself. Its not like he likes me or anything lol. 

Your POV end

Just then you heard a knock at your door. The room service guy had come and it seemed like he needed help. You asked him if there's anything he needed. 

'So sorry to disturb you ma'am but the guest next room is not answering the door. You know him right? Could you please ask him to open the door. We need to clean the rooms right now.'

You're Mine- Book 2 ||Kim Taehyung||Where stories live. Discover now