7-Rude Awakening.

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Kai’s P.O.V

I rolled out of bed and landed with a thump.


I realised that the blonde was still in my bed. I stood up and looked at her sleeping figure, hmmmm… how should I wake her up? I could be gentlemanly and gently shake her. Naaaah.

I started to shake her roughly.

“Wake up, wake up, wake up, Waaake UUUp!” I sang.

She rolled over and sleepily opened her eyes. She smiled seductively, well she tried to, it look more like she was constipated.

“Hey baby, why’d you wake me up? Or are you ready for another round?” She licked her lips.

“No” I said bluntly turning around to find some pyjamas as it was still early morning, I looked at my alarm 3:30 that’s great just awesome. I just grabbed a pair of grey sweats and a faded green t-tshirt

I heard her move around and the rustle of fabric. I turn around to see that she has one of my shirts on, she grabs my hand.

“Come back to bed baby, Oh this is a beautiful start to a relationship!!” She squealed out tugging at my hand. I just stared at her mouth open in shock. I then started to laugh, I laughed so much that a few tears escaped my eye. I calmed myself down and walked up to the girl.

“I. Don’t. Date.” And with that I pulled of my shirt that she had on, shoved her shirt on her, grabbed the rest of her clothes and shoved them in her arms. I then pushed her towards the door and shoved her out.

“Good bye, you were a good fuck maybe we should do this again sometime?” I said casually and quickly closed the door. I was suddenly tired. I stumbled into bed and wrapped the quilt around me. They didn’t smell right, they smelt of that girl, she was hot but now my bed is weird. Maybe next time we should just use the couch, it wont be with that girl again though. At least not for a while. My wolf growled.

No Kai, anyway our mate is way better. We should go find her. Her wolf calls out to me you know.

She- she does?

Yeah, she is sad, she thinks you have forgotten her.

But Sparks, you know I would never forget her, I fuck girls because I cant forget her!

Yes, well its wrong and it makes her feel as though you don’t want and/or need her. We hurt her. She hurts so much that my heart is broken. Please just stop sleeping around.

I can’t, I want to but its just so-

NOOO! Sparks roared inside my head making me unconsciously cringe. No, he said softer this time.

If you hurt her then I will stop talking to you, I will not talk to you unless needed or when we hold our mate again.

I sighed, this is not what I needed an argument with my wolf. I am going to miss talking to him.

And if we never have her?

It was nice talking to you.

With that he retreated to the shadows of my mind. Well this sucks.

(He falls back asleep and wakes up at 7 too Ivy screaming)

“SHUT THE FUCKING BLUE OWL UP!” I heard someone screamed so I jumped and fell of my bed. Groaning I looked at the clock, 7-fucking-am. This day is starting out greaaaaat. Its weird how Sparks hasn’t said anything, he always complains about getting up early.

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