Chapter 38

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    "If I may ask, how are we going to replicate the drug Overhaul created? Even with the girl we still don't know how he did it" the male asked. Hanna looked at him holding up a folder full of paper.

"With this" she stated, the male raised an eyebrow.

  "I was able to steal these notes from Overhaul a long time ago, I didn't think they would be useful but now they are. He was using their blood to create the drug" she explained placing the folder back down.

"If I can replicate the same drug he was making then we would be safe. One bullet and even our worst enemy would he powerless" she smiled.

"Yes but...." the man started to say,

"but what?" Hanna asked in a serious tone.
  "Do you really want to do this, hurting a child for your own gain" he mentioned.

  "This isn't just fot me" Hanna said, she picked up a framed picture of her and her family smiling at the camera.

"This is for what my father and brother believed in, for their dream" she put the picture back down.

"They would have never done anything to hurt a child, and neither would you" the man said.

"Well they aren't here anymore!" the woman suddenly raised her voice slamming her fist down on the desk.

"And I'm done being kind, to be powerful you have to be heartless" she said. The male frowned,

"I'm sorry" he apologized. There was a pause as the woman sighed,

"go tell the others to make sure no one is getting too close" she instructed. He nodded leaving the room quietly. Hanna's eyes trailed over to her family photo. A sad smile appeared on her face,

"Dad, Kenji" she said to herself.

  "I promise, you're dream will come true"

"Do you have any leads?" Shota asked, the officer who stood in front of him nodded.

  "We may have one" he stated, that got the hero's attention.

  "Someone reported some suspicious activity near an old building. It was supposed to be abandoned, they say they saw some people who looked like the same men who broke in to your house." The officer explained,

  "we have officers watching the area. Once we can confirm weather or not Emiko is there we'll let you know" the man finished.

  "Thank you for letting me know" Shota said. He watched the man leave with a frown on his face.

    "Hey, don't look so nervous" Midnight put a hand on his shoulder.

  "They will find her" she reassured him, Shota nodded silently.

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