Chapter 43

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      "Are you the bitch that took Emiko?" Katsuki asked growling under his breath, the womam looked at him for a moment.

  "Didn't your parents ever teach you any manners" she said, that's when the group noticed the man next to her. More importantly the fact that he was carrying Emiko who looked terrified.

  "Let go of her" Izuku said his voice serious.

  "While I admire your determination that's not happening" the woman said. She looked back at the man with a frown on her face.

  "Go, I'll meet you outside" she said, the male nodded. Suddenly a tentacle wrapped around the man's body pulling him back before he could run off.

   "Let go of her" Nejire's voice broke the silence.

   "Tamaki-senpai, Nejire-san" Uraraka cheered. The man growled under his breath as he grabbed the tentacle pulling on it. The force pulled Tamaki forward. He hit the wall,

  "Tamaki-kun" Nejire called out. She sent a wave towards the male causing him to stumble, in the process he dropped Emiko causing her to hit the ground.

"Run to us" Uraraka encouraged her. Suddenly, the ground began to shake as a hole opened up in between Emiko and the group. The red head grabbed the girl pulling her into her arms in a forceful manner,

"let's get out of here" the woman said. Her men nodded fleeing the area.

     Shota and Shinsou watched as the men left reappearing on the surface where vehicles were waiting. The rest of the students had crawled out of the rubble.

  "We need to stop them" Izuku yelled, several of the men piled into cars as the red head rushed into the one up front. Seeing an opportunity Shota hopped into one of the empty vans along with the students. He started chasing after the cars the turns making Izuku and the others feel car sick.

  "Stop squirming" Hana demanded, Emiko continued to struggle as she tried to break free from her restraints.

  "Can't you get away" the woman asked the driver.

"That hero jacked one of our cars" he said. She stuck her head out the window seeing the van chasing her.

"Fine, I'll take things into my own hands" she said reaching into the van's console. She pulled out a grenade throwing it on the streets. Seeing this the pursuing vehicle skidded to a stop as other vans were blown up in the process. The sound of screeching breaks could be heard as the vehicle Hanna was in came to an abrupt stop.

  "Shit!" she cursed as the vehicle flipped causing Emiko to hit the roof. She cried out in pain as her small body was tossed around like a rag doll. Eventually, it came to a stop as silence enveloped the area. Hanna looked around feeling blood pour from a wound on her forehead. Slowly she looked around only to see that Emiko lay across the street unconscious and bleeding.

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