Chapter 44

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     Eri didn't know why she she was running, she knew it would have been smarter if she had just stayed with Mirio where it was safe. But something in the pit of her stomach told her that her younger sister was in danger. She could remember the nightmare she had a few nights ago, her poor vulnerable sister laying helplessly amongst the wreckage in a pool of her own blood. Tears welled up in her red eyes just thinking about it. She came skidding to a stop as she noticed something horrifying. There lay Emiko her eyes closed as blood seeped from the various scratches that littered her body.

  "Emi..." she called out weakly falling to her knees. She looked around seeing the city around her being destroyed.

     "You heros always ruin my plans!" Hanna yelled. The road and buildings that surrounded the area shook violently.

  "What do we do" Uraraka asked, Shota put his arm in front of the group not wanting to get hurt.

"Stay back and help the citizens escape" he told them. The students nodded as they ran towards the panicked people.

"Wait where's Emiko" Shinsou asked. His eyes darted around the area only to go wide when he spotted the injured five year old. Then he spotted Eri who was shaking and crying.

   Eri ran towards her sister shaking her unconscious body.

"Please wake up" she begged, seeing no reaction she pulled her close tears begining to slide down her cheeks. She could fell blood staining her clothes.

  "Emiko" she said her sister's full name, her hand ran through her hair as she held her close.

"Eri!" A voice called, she looked up to see the purple haired boy looking at her with a concerned expression on his face. Before she could respond the ground shook again, the force caused Emiko to roll out of Eri's arms and stop a few feet away. The seven year old's eyes went wide as buildings started to collapse.

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