Chapter 10

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Jisoo stood in front of the big white doors while nervously shifting her weight from one foot to the other. She scratched her head a little as several scenarios ran through it, none ending without bitterness. She took a deep breath and brought up her hand to the door bell, rang and took a step back. She nodded to her self in determination as she waited for the doors to part. Jitters took over her body as she heard soft foot steps approaching.

This is it. Jisoo thought as she steeled herself.    

"What?" The unwelcoming tone was evident in the voice that greeted the alpha before the doors moved away. Tired, wavering gaze met Jisoo's steady ones. The confused and glossy expression in them soon was replaced by apatheticness that hid a scorn. 

"I wish to speak to you....Soojoo." Jisoo said mindful not to sound exertive. Jisoo saw a very rare fearful waver in the omega's eyes before she hid it under her lids. She nodded the alpha inside before walking ahead. 

"Joo...have you been drinking?" Jisoo asked as she laid eyes on the messy room ahead with several bottles alongside eaten and uneaten food on the center table. 

"What? Now I can't even drink as I wish?" The omega mildly fires back without halting her walk to the said table. 

"No. But it's too early." Jisoo says in a rightfully scolding tone which was met with yet another scoff. 

"Well I actually started too late, yesterday." She says, opening a bear bottle. 

"Wha- Joo, I thought you had work-

"I lied! okay? Kudos for not seeing through that even after living with me for what? 5 years now? I had no schedule, I came home called my friends over and partied! I don't owe you any explanation as to why." Soojoo says purposely avoiding facing the alpha.

"....Was I supposed to just "guess" that you didn't have any schedule? The last time I questioned, someone said it wasn't my fucking business." Jisoo retorts lowly through gritted teeth. 

Soojoo jumps slightly at her tone. She gaped at the alpha who stared back with a frown. She was taken aback certainly, the soft spoken alpha almost never wielded her dominance against her. It easily sobered her up. 

"Ha....sorry. I am rutting, I didn't mean to be ...angry." The alpha says with a sigh. 

"h-heh. Well who knows. Maybe I lied to you all those times too and went partying!" The omega says recovering from her momentary submission. She takes a quick swig from the bottle before facing the alpha who frowned again for a split second before sighing it away. 

"....whatever. I have something-

The alpha was cut off when the other woman threw a bottle at her. Jisoo easily caught it with her left hand just inches before it met her face. Her brows met as she stared back at the beer pitcher with an annoyed growl. 

"Have a beer, and let's talk in the balcony." The omega said walking towards the said area muttering something along the lines of, ofc it's whatever to you.

Jisoo wondered if the woman was merely tossing the bottle at her or was intentionally aiming for her face. The alpha shook her head before walking. She concluded it's definitely the latter. 

Soojoo was waiting with her elbows placed over the rails as she stared into the raging waves hitting the stubborn rocks near her beach villa. Jisoo mirrored her stance studying the latter's face. 

Unsympathetic, proliferating guilt took over her entire being as she watched the other woman. The omega looked frail and pitiable. She had unintentionally adorned an expression which Jisoo was bond by promise to keep her away from. Loneliness.

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