10. there's no limit (to our explosive chemistry)

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AN: Is this chapter supposed to come out this quickly? No. Do I have more important assignments due very soon? Yes. Should I definitely not be writing this fic right now? Yes. Am I publishing this chapter anyways? Yes.

p.s love you guys so much.


10. there's no limit (to our explosive chemistry)

The Tengawara match comes with a coalition of people who are insane, people who are tired of the insane people, and people who are victims of the insanity

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The Tengawara match comes with a coalition of people who are insane, people who are tired of the insane people, and people who are victims of the insanity.

All in all, a wonderful day.

(Kirino watches the world burn and thinks, yeah, this is fine.)




Tsurugi only fires one own-goal in the history of Raimon-- but it's supposed to come in the Mannouzaka match, not the Tengawara match.

Which is why, when Kirino sees the boy's fists tightened by his sides-- and the one moment of breathy resolve in his shoulders as they step onto the field-- Kirino realizes what would be coming.

"Kurumada-senpai," Kirino approaches his fellow defender with a hurried whisper. "Fancy a chance to make the coolest opening shot in Holy Road history?"

The senior only looks back at him. "Huh? Shot?"


The Captains shake hands, and the Seeds exchange sneers. Though the former are stern and serious, almost polite even-- the latter is full of very obviously suppressed hatred for each others' mere existence.

That's a testament to just how much pressure is laid on the Seed of every team right now, especially the ones that are alone in their assignments, like Tsurugi.

When the whistle blew, Kurama reluctantly shoves the ball in the direction of the other forward.

Instead of passing it back or moving forward-- Tsurugi spins back, and-- with a strong swing-- sends it careening back toward the goal in a jet of dark light.

"Wha-- Tsurugi is firing toward his own goal! What could this--!!"

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