21. it's so easy to blame someone else (for your faults)

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21. it's so easy to blame someone else (for your faults)

 it's so easy to blame someone else (for your faults)

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The world begins to shift drastically. El Dorado regains control over media coverage, and with backup arriving, Raimon finds themselves with the upper hand in the situation.

But Inazuma Japan never stops gaining new enemies.

From the beginning, the ones against them was never just Fifth Sector.


While Raimon survives on God Eden, mainland Japan is in turmoil.

"What do you mean, they're all missing?" Endou Natsumi raises her voice. "And no one noticed until now... What were you even doing, Chairman Kinzan?"

In the head office of Raimon Junior High, Chairman Kinzan faces the woman and her escorts entirely nonplussed, but Fuyukai, his assistant, clearly looks nervous.

The Fifth agents have left. And Chairman Kinzan only knows as much as a very agreeable sponsor would.

There's nothing Natsumi can do to get an explanation from him.

"Well, if it isn't the daughter of the former Acting Dean of Raimon enterprise," he says, feigning innocence. "I was just about to invite you to the very limited-seatings of Raimon versus Aoba. Your husband is present, after all—"

"Chairman Kinzan."

Natsumi's voice is cold.

"I'll have you know... no one has ever been allowed to belittle me before."

The two men at her side sigh, stepping forward.

"You know, we're been nice, thus far," Natsumi says, sitting down on the chair provided and crossing her legs upon it. "Because legally, you're still the Chairman my father gave his position to, and there's little we wanted to stir up in Raimon when things were so difficult, juggling Fifth's establishment and all. I feel we've let you run free a little too long, and that has really given you too much ego for your own good."

Chairman Kinzan clicks his tongue.

"Where do you get off, talking so snidely to me, young lady?"

"Young lady, young lady," Natsumi sighs. "You really don't understand your situation."

"Wait, Lady Natsumi!" Assistant Principal Fuyukai jerks forward, but it's too late.

The man to the right— Tobitaka Seiya— reaches in. And he grabs Chairman Kinzan with a gloved hand wrenching forth his hair.

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