19. don't let our motivations die (keep our fire burning bright)

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19. don't let our motivations die (keep our fire burning bright)

Ishido Shuuji is in for an unpleasant surprise if he thinks separating Raimon going to stop them from gaining their bearings

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Ishido Shuuji is in for an unpleasant surprise if he thinks separating Raimon going to stop them from gaining their bearings.

Raimon reassemble.

Their first night in God Eden Island is alright, all things considered.




Akane really wants her camera back right now, because Kurama is communing with wild snakes and it's morbidly fascinating.

"A normal girl would be freaked out, you know," Kurama mutters.

There are two snakes coiled around each arm, a particularly thick one winding around his neck, resting its head on Kurama's. That's not to number the multiple that are spindled around his fingers, a few hugging his waist, and one of them is leaning down from a branch, looking for somewhere to rest too.

They didn't particularly do anything. They just started coming as soon as Kurama and Akane made it into the jungle, and because Kurama didn't chase them away, they just stuck. More are coming.

"Then it's great I'm not a normal girl," Akane says. "Are they venomous?"

"Of course. Like, half of them," Kurama says, "they're wild. Don't touch them."

"Ehhh, why not?"

"Be afraid, dammit! Fear is important for survival," Kurama hisses. "I swear to god I did not sign up to babysit! Just stay there until I'm done!"

"Okay..." Akane pouts. "Not very possible, but okay."

"What do you mean, not very possible," Kurama grumbles. "Just be quiet."

Now this was possible, so Akane obediently covers her mouth with her hands and sits down like a good girl.

Kurama sighs.

Being able to befriend animals is an important trait in the wild.

Hissatsus, at their core, were not natural. But it definitely helped you connect to your skills in a way similar to experienced hunters, explorers, and professors. Hissatsus drag you up and personal with your element, and brings you closer to it on a fundamental level.

That's why Hamano will always thrive in every activity by the waters, it's why Shindou can play a song on the piano after briefly hearing it once, and why Kurama will always be a member of the wild.

"We can trust them," Kurama says, greeting each and every one of the serpents crawling around him. Some slither off, winding into separate directions, but one of them looks back, beckoning him forward. "Let's follow."

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