Episode 23: Houdini

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Sonic: This is going to be the best magic show ever!

Pleakley: I'd like to introduce you to, the stupendous Stitch!

Stitch: Ta da! Presto chango!

Tails: That was a fail.

Lilo: That was amazing!

Pleakley: Perfect for Mertle's half birthday party!

Knuckles: Half birthday? Why is that a thing?

Lilo: Because she's spoiled. She gets two a year.

Shadow: Stitch, you need to work on your magic skills.

Tails: I may have something that could help him.

Sonic: What is it?

Tails: This experiment pod!

Sonic: 604.

Tails: It can make anything disappear. Along with itself.

Amy: This'll be perfect for Stitch's magic show.

Amy sprayed water on the experiment pod.

Amy sprayed water on the experiment pod

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Sonic: Hello!

604: 😱

604 vanished into thin air.

Tails: Don't be scared.

Lilo: Let's call him Houdini.

Shadow: Houdini likes to make things disappear. We want you to...


Sonic: It's OK, Stitch. Just say the magic words we taught you.

Stitch: Ih!

Mertle: Well, if it isn't Weird-lo and the stupendous stenches!

Knuckles: Happy half birthday, Mertle.

Sonic: I know you won't give us cake and ice cream just because your mom booked us for this.

Mertle: We won't give you any cake and ice cream.

Yuki, Teresa, and Elena: YEAH!

Sonic: Well, I have chili cheese dogs and you can't have any!

Pleakley: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the stupendous Stitch!

Amy: Go, that's your cue.

Cream: Houdini, you know the plan, right?

Houdini: 😊

Stitch: (alien language)

Houdini made the flowers vanish into thin air.

Sonic: Yes! Just as we thought it would be.

Stitch: (alien language)

Houdini made the bowling pin, tiki statue, and Corphish disappear.

Corphish: Wow! Where'd I go?!

Stitch: (alien language)

Houdini made the bowling pin, tiki statue, and Corphish reappear.

Corphish: Here's Corphish! I'd better go.

Tails: This is working very well!

Mertle: Say cheese!

Mertle snapped a camera at Houdini making almost everything vanish into thin air.

Lilo: Uh oh.

Gantu: A birthday party? How cute... NOT!

Houdini made himself vanish into thin air.

Shadow: Damn! Houdini made himself vanish.

Gantu: Where'd he go?!

Knuckles: Oh no you don't!

Knuckles punched Gantu.

Lilo: Stitch, you weren't the one making things invisible.

Sonic: It was another one of your cousins, Houdini.

Tails: If we don't find Houdini soon, Stitch will remain invisible.

Lilo's house

Sonic: What?! Mertle's aunt wants us to make an old lighthouse disappear on LIVE TV?!

Knuckles: What do you want, Mertle?

Mertle: Lilo's a fraud! This picture shows what was making things disappear.

Tails: We have no time for you, Mertle!

Sonic: I think I know how we can tell if Stitch is with us.

Sonic dunked paint on Stitch.

Cream: Cool! And colorful!


Tails: There's Houdini!

Gantu: Ow! Ow!

Knuckles: Gotcha!

Gantu: Gotcha trog!

Houdini reappeared.

Knuckles: Wait! If I got Houdini, then Gantu has Stitch.

Lilo: Oh no!

Sonic: Pleakley, stall them! Stall any way you can!

Gantu's ship

Gantu: You can't get away 604!

Gantu fell in the floor.

Sonic: Stitch, you okay?

Stitch: I'm okay! I'm fluffy!

Tails: C'mon, we need to make an old lighthouse disappear!


Shadow: Gotcha, Houdini!

Sonic: Now make the old lighthouse disappear!

Pleakley: Abracadabra!

Houdini made the old lighthouse vanish into thin air.

Pleakley: I did it! I'm amazing!

Sonic: There there, Houdini. That better?

Tails: He wants you to hold him and tell him everything's going to be okay.

Sonic: Everything's gonna be okay, Houdini.

Cream: He also wants a little kiss.

Sonic kissed Houdini.

Houdini: 😌

Gantu: Show's over, trogs! Hand 604 over!

Knuckles: Done!

Sonic: What an idiot! He grabbed the empty container.

Shadow: I used Chaos Control to get Houdini out of the container.

Tails: It was like Houdini wasn't even in that container. 😉

Gantu's ship

Gantu: Empty?! Why would it be empty?!

Hamsterviel: This container is as empty as your head!

625: Karma! Kids, karma will eventually lead to huge trouble for ya!

To be continued...

Next time Sonic and Co will search for an experiment that slices boats in half. See ya soon folks!

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