part 11

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mike paid and they walked out getting back in the car and this time actually having a decent conversation once y/n made it home she opened the door then saw mike getting out as well so she looked at him confused then once she made it to the door he hugged her and she hugged him back

Mike: thanks for talking to me i really appreciate
Y: oh of course i'm here as in at this house if you ever need me well not need me but like want me not in that way just if you want to talk about what's bothering you i'll be here home
Mike: ok well i'll make sure to remember you'll be here home
Y: yea
Mike: goodnight y/n
Y: goodnight mike

y/n was about to go inside but mike was still standing there so they just looked at each other awkwardly

Y: um i'm gonna go inside my house now
Mike: oh yea you should do that ok bye
Y: bye

mike walked off and y/n walked inside her house letting out a deep breath then she walked upstairs getting in the shower and blasting all i want is everything by victorious and she was jumping up and down yelling as loud as she could and whipping her hair around acting like her bottle of shampoo was a microphone after a while she sung some more songs until she got out her shower still dancing and singing wrapping herself in a towel and plopping down on her bed looking at the ceiling then she started thinking to herself and covered her mouth with her towel screaming into it after a little she sat up drying off and putting on her pajamas then she called larray setting her phone up and once he answered his phone was facing his ceiling and he was groaning as if he was just waking up

Y: come on lazy bitch wake up
Larray: you woke me up
Y: i wanna tell you about my talk with mike

larray instantly sat up setting his camera against his bed then stretching making y/n laugh

Larray: spill bitch you said his name
Y: ok so he was telling me about how he broke up with talyeh and he just needed someone to talk to so we talked about that then when he dropped me off it was almost as if he wanted to kiss me
Larray: so no kiss no none
Y: i mean i hugged him
Larray: oh bitch i should've stayed sleep i thought you got some dick or some
Y: yea because your mind is nasty but it made me nervous like even thinking about him kissing me but it's like i wanted him to
Larray: why didn't you make the first move dummy
Y: because i want him to it'll mean more if he initiates it because if i do i'm gonna feel like i'm taking advantage of him since he's heartbroken or whatever but if he does then i'll know he actually wants it to happen and who knows maybe after a few more dates and getting to know him more i'll let him go further
Larray: you're talking about fucking right
Y: yea if everything goes right
Larray: ooo bitch invite him to sit with us tomorrow at lunch
Y: how i don't have his number
Larray: get his attention when he walks in the cafeteria
Y: what if he walks in with talyeh or his group
Larray: then be the bold bad ass bitch you are and take him from them girl you got this bring out that last year hoe
Y: we don't speak about last year me
Larray: fine but come on you have to do it
Y: fine
Larray: ahhh yay
Y: so for a bomb day tomorrow that means i need a bomb outfit
Larray: i'm on it here i come
Y: alright my front door will be unlocked how long do you need
Larray: give me ten minutes to get a bag ready then i'm on the way
Y: see you soon be safe
Larray: i got my self defense lanyard ain't nobody catching me slipping
Y: as you should now hurry
Larray: kk

y/n hung up then cleaned up her room a little then she walked downstairs unlocking the door minutes past and larray walked in and she hugged him then they walked upstairs and he opened her closet doors grabbing clothes then she stood in the mirror and he grabbed shirts one by one holding them up to her seeing which one he liked more he was mainly shaking his head and throwing them but once he found a cute shirt he placed it on her bed then he did the same thing with her pants and shoes they went with a white cropped tank top with thick straps and black ripped jeans with white and black jordan eleven retro sneakers once they finished they high-fived then sat down on her bed

Y: ok now what about my hair
Larray: sleek long braid going to at least your butt with side curls
Y: ok come on get started

larray got behind y/n and started doing her hair after a while he finished and she looked in the mirror excitedly before putting on a bonnet and laying down in bed with larray next to her they talked about tomorrow a little longer before they fell asleep this time they woke up themselves getting showered and dressed and as soon as they opened the door her mom was standing there about to knock

Y/m: wow y'all didn't need me today
Y: nope thank you though

they walked past her going downstairs just eating some fruit then she sneakily took her keys back and walked outside but to her surprise the boys were in her driveway and when they saw her walk out they honked over and over again while larray and y/n looked at each other confused then walked to the car


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