part 19

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hours past and y/n and mike were finally narrowing down their options

Mike: so our options are red blue black pink white-
Y: i'm not wearing white this is prom not a wedding
Mike: ok so which one are you picking
Y: red i look good in red
Mike: that's your main reason for picking it
Y: yea it is
Mike: you're some different
Y: i'm gonna take that as a compliment and not an insult so thank you

mike laughed then he turned around seeing larray was sleep

Mike: is that all he does
Y: fun fact yes it is
Mike: well now that we know the color what do you want to do
Y: i want a blizzard
Mike: should we wake him up
Y: nah he'll be out for at least three hours
Mike: oh ok

mike and y/n got up and he grabbed his keys walking downstairs and out the door getting in his car and driving off they went to dixie queen trying flavors that they never had before then they sat in the empty parking lot talking and making jokes and asking each other questions

Y: ok wait does guys balls ever itch
Mike: i mean mine does i just move them around though and it really only happens when sweat is dripping down
Y: ok that's was way more description than i needed
Mike: what i'm just letting you know ok so now it's my turn to ask a question
Y: ask away
Mike: ok what are the reasons your nipples get hard
Y: umm it would be i'm either cold or let's say intrigued
Mike: so which one is the one right now
Y: it would definitely be the cold ass air you have on that i told your ass to turn off multiple times

mike laughed then reached over turning off the air and picking his blizzard back up

Mike: i like nights like these
Y: yea this is nice
Mike: we should do this more often
Y: what are you just gonna come get me at random times and random nights
Mike: that's exactly what i'm gonna do so you are correct shorty
Y: mike shut up you're not funny
Mike: damn give me one more chance give me one more chance

y/n laughed and nudged mikes shoulder and he looked at her smiling as well

Y: you don't smile enough
Mike: because i don't like smiling with braces
Y: but you look nice so why not
Mike: because no just no
Y: smile one more time
Mike: no
Y: alright i hope them braces get stuck to your lip

mike looked at y/n while she looked back at him and a smile slowly formed on both of their faces before they busted out laughing an hour of being in the parking lot and their playful conversations soon turned deep with giveon lightly playing in the background

Y: did that hurt
Mike: i mean him leaving hurt in the beginning but as i got older i was just like fuck it there's nothing i can do about it
Y: are you really over it though
Mike: i don't think it's possible to fully be over something like that but i'm definitely trying
Y: well if it helps i don't think my dad likes me
Mike: what makes you say that
Y: whenever i don't act like a girl he gets mad and says he wanted a girl that dresses like a girl not a girl that dresses like a boy then once i dress like a girl he's finally happy
Mike: it sounds to me that he's sexist
Y: what makes you say that
Mike: he only gets mad at you when you don't wear what he thinks you're supposed to yea he's sexist
Y: but he loves larray
Mike: i'm sure he only tolerates him because you always hang out with him
Y: wow you're right
Mike: forget about that though one day his heart might change
Y: you're right so how'd your mom take your dad leaving
Mike: ehh i would say it affected her but i feel like she saw it coming what really hurt her is raising us on her own i'm sure
Y: how'd that go at first
Mike: it was rough we were shifting from home to home sometimes sleeping in a car but once she found a steady job we moved into our first house since he left and with what i earn i help pay for it one day i plan on moving though
Y: where
Mike: vegas i've always wanted to go and i'm going after graduation
Y: i'm proud of you for making such a big decision
Mike: thank you i just hope everything goes right
Y: it will and you're gonna do amazing i believe in you mike

mike looked at y/n then he looked down slowly grabbing her hand and tightening his grip around it so she tightened hers as well and they interlocked fingers still staring at each other it felt like forever until he put his hand on her face and hesitantly kissed her she didn't kiss back at first but when she felt he was about to move away she put her hand on the back of his head and kissed him back when they moved apart they were only an inch apart smiling at each other

Mike: i want you

y/n didn't respond her smile just slowly faded and she looked up making eye contact with mike and her heart dropped

Y: don't play like that
Mike: i'm not playing y/n i want you
Y: if i say yes are you gonna mess me over
Mike: no i won't
Y: you promise
Mike: yes of course i promise
Y: i don't like people who break promises mike
Mike: good thing i'm not one of those people

without another word mike leaned back in sneaking his hand to her neck kissing her again and she kissed him back


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