part 22

448 21 4

once their food came they started eating until they heard rain pouring outside so they finished quickly then paid and started jogging back to the car when y/n put her hand on the door handle mattia grabbed her pulling her away and spinning her in the rain while she laughed latching onto his arm and curling into a ball when he put her down she moved her hair out of her face smiling at him then put her hand on his hair moving it side to side wagging the water off while more got on when the boys noticed they walked over and they all just stood in a circle looking at each other and laughing as they started getting drenched in water when they saw a car pull up they all stood next to each other while the people got out with umbrellas and stood in front of them

Talyeh: ha look at them wet like dogs
Fernanda: pathetic
Larray: we rather look like dogs than smell like them
Devyn: aww wait are y'all still mad over the whole prom situation come on we were just playing
Mike: exactly nothing but a harmless joke
Mattia: a joke that cost all of us combined thousand of dollars
Derek: oh please those cheap clothes
Alejandro: my suit was seven thousand dollars all of ours was
Larray: and i was with y/n when she bought her dress it was eight-
Fernanda: oh let me guess eight cents
Larray: eight thousand dollars actually dumb ass
Roshaun: we should sue your asses-
Robert: but we know that's a lawsuit even all of you put together couldn't afford
Alvaro: come on guys let's leave

they all shook their heads then turned around about to walk off until mike said something about y/n and they all including her turned around

Y: what did you just say
Mike: i said you're only mad because i played you like the dumb girl you are
Y: thought so

y/n started walking to mike about to hit him until mattia put his arm in front of her putting her behind him then he punched mike in the face causing talyeh to slap him so y/n grabbed her hair and started punching her when fernanda tried to jump in larray grabbed her then derek tried and alejandro got him making kobe jump in who was hit by roshaun then then the boys just held devyn back while monica and vallyk stood back watching they didn't stop until they saw sirens and all split up running to their cars and driving off

Mattia: our senior prom is one for the books
Kairi: most definitely

they continued driving until they went to the boys houses one by one getting them clothes then once they made it back to her house and they snuck in since now it was twelve am once they made it back in her room they all put new clothes on and threw their wet ones in her hamper then they sat on her bed watching split about a psychotic man with twenty three different personalities who kidnapped three girls

Mattia: ok the last girl though she asked for it
Kairi: exactly she saw him knock out the first two and she just sat there she wanted to get kidnapped
Alejandro: there's no other reason
Roshaun: maybe she was in shock
Y: that's a terrible excuse you better run while in shock the hell you just sitting there for
Mattia: thank you anyone with a piece of common sense knows to run
Robert: what if she stayed for her friends
Y: pssh you call those friends they only invited her because they would've felt bad if they didn't
Roshaun: so me and robert are the only civil people who's giving her some leeway
Alvaro: no y'all are the only dumb people giving her some leeway there's no excuse for why she stayed in the car besides she's dumb
Mattia: exactly now that's five against two majority rules and y'all lose simple
Robert: whatever

they all got quiet and went back to watching the movie and making comments about it whenever they saw something they thought was dumb once the movie was done y/n got up turning all of the lights off then she laid back down with everyone else and they fell asleep when they woke up the boys went downstairs while larray and y/n stayed upstairs talking

Larray: you don't hate him do you
Y: i'm trying to
Larray: why don't you is what i don't get
Y: because behind closed doors he was different everyone sees what he does when we're in front of others but when it's just me and him it's different he's different it's like he changes whenever he feels pressured to but i see a different side of him and it's hard to accept that maybe the other side is him
Larray: well how does he act different
Y: he's opened about a lot of things some things i don't even think he told his current friends he acts like he enjoys being around me like he'll hang out with me for hours and when i have to leave he'll try to make me stay but the second we get in front of his friends he acts like he doesn't even care about my existence and the one time i thought maybe he was changing he went and splattered me with paint but for some dumb ass reason i still think he might-
Larray: wait are you hoping he likes you
Y: i mean i kind of am
Larray: y/n
Y: i know it's dumb and it's a far stretch but larray he's just so sweet when it's just me and him i feel like it stuck with me and i kind of miss it
Larray: y/n he embarrassed you in front of the whole school
Y: technically only the juniors and seniors
Larray: y/n
Y: ok i get it


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