part 14

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a week past and y/n and mike hung out everyday they were pretty close her and cherry were still on a rough patch while her and larray talked every single second of the day her parents still hadn't come home from their trip yet so it was just her and larray but today she was in first block up front in class paying attention with larray while mike went in the back with talyeh which pissed her off then the door opened and a short kid with fluffy hair walked in looking around and everyone including the teacher stopped and looked at him while y/n was still writing down notes not even paying attention to the new kid

Teacher: how may i help you
??: um my counselor gave me my schedule and this is my first day here so i was hoping you'd help me out
Teacher: alright well let me see your schedule

the fluffy haired kid walked inside handing the schedule to the teacher and she grabbed it looking at it making sure he was in the right class

Teacher: yea this is the one mr cosentino
Kairi: just call me kairi
Teacher: alright well kairi you can take a seat next to ms y/l/n
Kairi: who is that
Teacher: y/n may you raise your hand

without looking up y/n raised her hand still writing with the other and the boy sat in the seat next to her looking over at her paper and she could feel him looking at her so she turned her head looking at him and he looked away so she put her pencil down and looked back at him

Y: can i help you
Kairi: my bad it's just your notes are really neat i was just looking
Y: ok well mind looking away every now and then
Larray: girl stop being mean to him
Y: i'm not being mean i just don't like people staring at me
Kairi: sorry won't happen again
Y: thanks

y/n went back to paying attention while the teacher went back to teaching then not even two minutes later kairi tapped her shoulder

Y: what
Kairi: um do you got a pencil i can borrow
Y: why didn't you bring a pencil on your first day
Kairi: i meant to i guess it slipped my mind
Y: ugh one second

y/n reached into her bag pulling out a pencil then she handed it to kairi and went back to writing notes when she looked from the corner of her eye she saw him smelling it and she just looked at him weirdly before shaking her head and going back to doing her notes

Kairi: i was just smelling it because my hand started smelling like perfume i was just trying to make sure it wasn't me by the way
Y: nice
Kairi: you're not much of a people person
Larray: she is she just mad the guy she likes is back all up in his ex's face
Y: is there anything you don't tell
Larray: nope
Kairi: well i'm sorry about that i guess
Y: i don't need your apologies i'm fine and i'm not mad larray
Larray: mhm sure you're not

y/n rolled her eyes zoning them out once again and larray looked at kairi mouthing that y/n was lying making him smile a little then once class ended mike paid no attention to y/n and walked out with talyeh and the boys so she got up putting her things in her bags and walking out with larray when the short kid followed beside them and they stopped walking

Y: what's your problem
Kairi: i know i seem annoying but i don't know this school at all and all of my friends aren't coming until next block so i'm on my own all i'm asking is you help me out
Larray: let me see your schedule
Kairi: any help i can get is good enough for me

larray grabbed kairis schedule looking at it then after a while he showed y/n and they both looked at him

Kairi: what
Y: some how you're stuck with me all day
Kairi: oh ok well at least i'll know someone
Y: you don't know me
Kairi: jeez ok my bad
Y: ok i'm sorry that was rude i'm just in a shitty mood right now but i'll be ok so come on before we're late
Kairi: thanks

larray said bye to y/n going to class while she walked with kairi to second block they weren't really saying much so she started a conversation and soon he started speaking and slowly opening up to her then once they made it in class they had to be quiet once that class ended they went to third block then after that they were in lunch sitting at the table together waiting on larray

Y: so where is your favorite place to travel
Kairi: tokyo if you've ever been it's very pretty and there's so many cool things there and asia it's nice down there
Y: are you asian
Kairi: yea i am what are you
Y: i'm mixed black and white
Kairi: oh ok
Y: this might be weird but can i touch your hair it looks so soft it's ok if you say no i could understand i don't like people touching my hair either
Kairi: nah you seem like you got good hygiene so go ahead i don't mind

y/n smiled and put one of her hands gently on kairis head touching his hair then once she stopped she rubbed her fingers together

Y: your hair is so soft
Kairi: thank you

they kept talking until mike came in with the others and y/n walked up to him grabbing him by his wrist and pulling him to the side

Y: what's up with you why have you been hanging with them again
Mike: it's because talyeh has something going for herself she has a fan base a job and friends what do you have
Y: i have friends why do i need a job in high school and why do i need a stupid ass fan base that means nothing to me
Mike: well i'm an influencer as well and i can't be seen with a nobody i'm sorry but it's just not gonna work

mike walked off and y/n watched as the girls looked back at her then forward again laughing and she stormed out the cafeteria

mike walked off and y/n watched as the girls looked back at her then forward again laughing and she stormed out the cafeteria

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