Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Scarlett's POV

Once inside my apartment I got hit by a broom.

"Ouch! What was that for!?" I yell.

And the one responsible for my now bruised head said "I told you a thousand times no shoes inside the house! I don't want to have any dirt around here."

"Fine then. No need to whack me on the head, Nana" I tell her.

"Well, I have to, since I practically remind you everyday. And you forget every single time." she says.

"Yeah, Yeah I get it. I'll wear it. No need to get violent." I say.

I go to the cabinet and I wear the "House Slippers" she's been forcing me to wear for a long time already. I know I should remember to wear them but I'm too lazy. Nana sees me wearing it and she smiles then continues cleaning the living room. I head up to my room and I jump onto my bed. God, I love how comfy my bed is..I'm really grateful to Nana because without her then my room and the whole apartment will look like a jungle right now.

Nana is my....maid. But to me she's more than that. It's like she's my one and only family that has been caring for me since I was a kid. She may be 56 now but she's like an iron lady. Everytime I feel lonely she'll make sure that I'm okay.

Since I was little the one who took care of me was Nana and not my mom whose name is Melanie Bernard. My mom was so preoccupied chasing after my father whose name is Edward. Nana was hired by my bastard father and ever since I was born she has been taking care of me. I know I'm all mean and tough but when it comes to Nana i have a big soft spot for her.

Nana pops her head inside my room and asks "How was school today? Did you make new friends yet?"

And I reply "Yeah, I made tons of friends" I say sarcastically.

"Dear, you know that it's good to have friends so why do you keep pushing them away?"

"Nana, it's just a waste of time and effort so I don't want to. Besides, I'm doing just fine by myself." I cross my arms.

She pats my shoulder gently and gives me the "Tell me what's wrong" look so I sigh and tell her everything that had happened in school today. I told her that I DID make an effort to have no fights and that it wasn't my fault that some guy wanted to harass me. I even told her about the bitch Courtney and that Adam guy who I thought was an ally but he turned out to be an enemy instead. I sighed and with that I finished telling her what a crappy day I had. I didn't mention Ian anymore because I knew she would be thinking that I might be interested in Ian and that is just crazy! I don't like cocky guys like him.

"Listen my dear, You did the right thing but please try your best to avoid fighting. I know you may be good but it isn't proper for a young lady like yourself to go fighting with anybody. It isn't proper!"

I nod. and she continues to say..

"And you may not know maybe that Adam boy just made a mistake. So don't be so annoyed by it" I was about to protest but she stopped me and continued to say " And that Courtney better do your best to fight back everytime she strikes ok?" I smile and give her a thumbs up and she pinches my cheek like what she used to do when I was a kid.

After that encouraging talk with Nana I run to the kitchen and open the refrigerator and look for my favorite food which is yogurt and pudding. I gasped when I opened the refrigerator because there wasn;t any and I yelled "Nanaaaaa!!!!!! There's no pudding! How can there be no pudding in the ref!?? Nana! Call the police! We've been robbed!!!!"

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