Chapter One

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Chapter One

Scarlett's POV

Today was the day when I was going to be transferred to a new school AGAIN. I would have been ecstatic by the fact that I'll be at a new place to go and meet lovely people but let me tell you, no one gives shit. The only reason why I'm going to Amsterdamm High was because my previous school apparently couldn't handle my "impulsive behaviors". So, as a result, they expelled me and dumped me here.

My name is Scarlett Bernard age 16, at the height of 5'7. And don't try to comment on my height cause I'll be assuming that your small. Yes, I may be tall for my age but I'll let you in to one of my secrets. Being tall has a lot of.......benefits. I was born a redhead and my eyes are blue.

Once again I will be the "new girl" for the 8th time this year. I wasn't trying to get kicked out of every school I got into but trouble seems to find me anywhere. And no, if your probably thinking that I got kicked out because of drugs or anything indecent then I would have to disappoint you because I never done any of that. I simply kicked the crap out of the people who wanted to mess with me. As long as the fight was over the enemy would be on the floor with broken bones. If you were smart you would probably run away, Hey, I don't beat the crap out of a person for no reason. They started it so why should it be my fault that they got themselves in the hospital? I never start a fight. I just happen to be the person to stop the fight while the attacker is crumpled and shivering.

I took a deep breath and put my cap on. Well here goes nothing.....I mutter while I head towards my new school.

Adam's POV

Another day...I say while I drive my two younger sisters and my brother off to school. My Name is Adam Walter. Age 16. Height is 5'11 or so. Wavy black hair. Gray eyes. And I wear glasses.

My sisters that are in the car are Amy age 14 then Kimmy and Kurt (the fraternal twins) age 10. I dropped off Kim and Kurt to their school then drove to Amsterdamm High. It was the second semester and I felt exhausted. People just kept on saying "hey Adam would you mind doing this.." or "Hey Adam can you take over the..." or worst "Hey Adam Can you sub for me this,,," Ugh. The problem is that I don't know how to say no to these people. Why the hell was I such a nice guy?

People tend to put me in the category of being a "geek" but I don't really care though. Sure, I may study more than a teenager would nowadays but I can't help it. I love the fact that you can get so much from a book. So yes, I would have to say that I am most probably a geek. But I wasn't that type of guy who always got picked on the jocks or the bullies, I was the kind of guy people would want to be with. They would always tell me that I was such a "Nice Guy".

Sorry if I sound as if I'm gloating but that's what I hear. I am the eldest of five kids and most of the time I take care of my siblings because my parents are busy with their jobs. They aren't the parents that let their kids do their own thing but they're the type of parents who was a bit strict and would always check up on us.

I park and hand Amy her backpack. I say "Have a great day Amy..Make sure to eat your lunch, ok?" "Whatever" she mutters and slams the door. Amy was in that "phase" of becoming a full pledged teenager so she has been grouchy lately. I walk to the entrance and I hear Todd, my friend, shout my name. I turn around to see where he is and he puts me in a head lock. I escape from his head lock and do the same to him. No way was I going to make him beat me so early in the morning! I stagger a little then I bumped to a person.

The person I bumped to was a girl and her cap fell off her head which made me see her long red hair. I blush and look down immediately to see that I caused her to let her books fall to the ground. I start getting her books and I apologized in a whisper. I was about to grab hold of her notebook when her hand brushed mine and the weirdest thing had happened. I felt a surge of electricity through me. I dared to look at her and saw the most beautiful blue eyes.

She's so beautiful........I looked at her and there was only one thing I could think of. I had to know who she is...

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