Past, Present and Future

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You stared at the man who was apparently professor Felks as he called himself. Everything around you was black. A dark void of nothingness, you honestly weren't sure what you were standing on. There was no source of light and there was no surface to stand on as far as you could tell. Yet, you and the professor stood on an even plane and could see each other clearly.

You regarded the professor with hostility, "Where am I?"

The man furrowed his brow, "You don't know?"

You felt a surge of frustration swell within you as you gave your reply, "I would say I'm dreaming, but given that I've never seen you before and the fact that we're having this very detailed back and forth conversation, that's probably not the case."

"Ah," The professor nodded, "I see. Forgive me, it seems that I've gotten ahead of myself. My assistant would normally be here to help me with the whole talking to people thing," He said, finishing the last part in air quotes.

At this point, you were about ready to explode as you were still trying to get the same answer out of him that you had been since you first started talking. You took a breath before asking again, "Where. Am. I?"

Comprehension seemed to dawn on the professor as he snapped his fingers, "Yes, yes! Of course! Er... you're in what I like to call, the lobby."

As you looked around you suddenly found yourself standing in a very luxurious library of sorts. A warm fire burned in a large brick fireplace. Dark wood surrounded the mantle and made up the walls around you. Beautifully crafted shelves housed dozens upon dozens of books on all four walls. Candles burned in golden candle holders which sat suspended in the four corners of the room. Brown rug lay across the ground under a large wooden coffee table, while two massive recliners sat in front of the fireplace and angled towards it with small end tables sitting next to either one.

The professor took a seat in one of the chairs before looking expectantly at you, "Won't you join me?"

You crossed your arms and scowled at him, "I'm not all that sure that I can trust you."

Professor Felks laughed as he settled into his chair, "So what do you intend to do? Ignore me? Or perhaps you've just discovered where you are and were just on your way out."

You knew he was being facetious, but you still felt embarrassed, "No! Obviously not! But what am I supposed to do? Just sit with you and accept whatever you say?"

The professor crossed his legs as he reclined in the chair, "At this point you really don't have a choice, Kiba." You felt a wave of chills run through your body as you felt your feelings shift from flustered, to concerned. Professor Felks seemed to notice the shift in you as well, "I know you have questions. It's only natural. I'm happy to answer them and perhaps even provide you with some information you didn't even realize you needed."

You quickly shook off your shock and concern as you scoffed at the professor's offer, "You don't know anything about me."

Professor Felks shifted forward in his chair as he rested his elbows on his knees and brought his hands together before resting his chin on them, "I know that your torn. You want to go back home but you've made a new family here. Your objectives have began to conflict with one another. You like life here, but you hate the fact that your struggling to keep up with everybody else." Your facial expression began to change from a confident frown to a frightened stare, this man was reading you like a book. Professor Felks squinted at you, "You won't ask for help. You hate the idea of needing help, not because of pride... but because of fear. Fear that if you become too dependent on others, then you won't be able to function on your own. Fear of being a burden to those around you."

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