Intentions Exposed

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"Sally, why are you doing this?" You asked.

"Because I'm a spy, sometimes a double spy," She replied. You furrowed your brow as Sally turned her head toward her canine escort, "Grab those two as well."

The guards exchanged glances before looking back to Sally, "Those weren't our orders," One of them replied.

"Your job is to help me collect the human because he is an asset. I've been on this mission longer than you, I've been closer to him than any one of the board members and I've determined that he is more effective as an asset with them. So we're taking them with us."

The two dogs hesitated, silently questioning the decision. Seeing this, Sally quickly became indignant, "I could always call and confirm the orders. But when they ask why I'm confirming, you two can explain that part."

Again the two dogs looked at one another before hastily carrying out her instructions. Hunter and Annika weren't very eager to comply, putting up quite a fight. However, their captors were larger and stronger. Even so, Annika and Hunter proved to be difficult to subdue, It was likely they would have been able to escape had it not been for them not wanting to leave without you.

Seeing that the efforts of her guards were proving to be fruitless, she decided to use her position to her advantage. "If you two don't come quietly, I can't guarantee Kiba's safety," She warned as she held a claw to your throat."

You however refused allow yourself to be used as a hostage, "Screw her, knock their teeth ou-"

You were cut short as Sally pressed her claw into your neck, "Don't think that I won't hurt you just because I have to bring you in alive."

Annika and Hunter looked at each other before reluctantly surrendering themselves. All three of you were walked out to a black van The two canines took the driver and passenger seats you were ushered into the third row of seats in the very back of the van with sally pinning you between her body and the window as she sat next to you with your wrist firmly grasped in her hands. Annika paused before she entered the van, prompting Sally to narrow her eyes.

"If you don't get in, I'll squeeze his wrist until my claws start cutting into his flesh," Sally threatened. That was all the motivation that Hunter needed as he begrudgingly climbed into the van. Annika followed him shortly after. Sally nodded in satisfaction, "Start driving, head for downtown."

The van was absolutely silent until Hunter broke the silence, "I thought you were our friend."

"I'm a spy, remember?" Sally retorted, "Try not to take it personally, I spy on everyone." You noticed that when Sally said this she was looking directly at you. Her voice was cold and nonchalant, but her eyes reminded you of the good hearted and mischievous foxbat that you had come to know. "Turn here," Sally called up to the front of the van. The vehicle made a right turn and continued towards its destination. Annika glared back at Sally, "You do realize that if the board gets what they want it will literally be the worst thing ever to happen since the Human/Anthro war, right?"

Sally smirked, "You're young, and I don't expect you o understand everything that's happening just yet. But everything I've been doing is for your benefit." Again, as Sally spoke her second sentence, she looked intently at you. Though her voice was cold and uncaring, her facial expression told a very different story.

You began to think back the words that she'd been emphasizing. Comprehension flooded your mind as you looked up at her, "I get it..." You muttered quietly under your breath.

Sally's ears twitched as she glanced down at you. "Clever human," She thought to herself as she returned her attention back to the road ahead. "Turn right here, and stop at the third building down the street." The driver did is he was told before Sally pointed to the curb, "Pull over there."

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