Of Fact And Opinion

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You were again shuttled away to another building. This time though, you were taken to Malcolm's personal office. You were escorted in along with the governor to a pair of double doors where two regular officers guarded the door. As soon as they saw the governor, they opened the doors. You walked in behind the governor to find a familiar group. Luna, Tanya, Malcolm, Russel and Sally sitting around a long rectangular table. Even Hunter and Annika were there, though they were standing behind Tanya and Luna's chairs. As soon as you walked into the room you noticed Luna's demeanor changed. She began fidgeting before regaining her composure. Annika and Hunter also became restless, as did their aunt, Tanya. You also felt yourself struggling to maintain your composure.

Sensing the tension in the room the governor relieved each party of their burden, "Ahem, I realize that this is a serious meeting that requires some form of decorum. However, I'm also well aware of what you've all been put through. To be honest I'm curious to see just what sort of bond it is that you've built with one another. Feel free to act as you see fit over the next few minutes, don't mind me."

Almost instantly, Luna bolted up from her chair and rushed to embrace you in her arms. You happily returned her hug. You couldn't help but be relieved to be by her side once more.

"I'm sorry," Luna whispered as she squeezed you tightly. "I didn't want to leave you. I tried to get back to you as fast as I could... I'm so sorry."

You held Luna tightly, "I don't blame you. You did everything you could. I'm just glad you're okay."

After a few more moments, Luna released you from her arms to give you an apologetic smile. It seemed like she wanted to say more, but didn't have the words. Before either of you could say anything else, you were nearly knocked over as Annika and Hunter rushed you. All three of you ended up in a group hug. And then all three of you cringed in pain from your respective injuries. This earned you a collective chuckle from the room.

"Glad you're okay," You said as you looked between the two of them.

"Us?" Hunter asked, "What about you?"

"Yeah!" Annika added, "You were the one who nearly died!"

"I'm fine. Besides, from the look of it, we all got banged up," You replied as you gestured to the bandages on each of the foxes. The two exchanged glances before each smiled at you.

Annika laughed, "I Guess you're right."

"But we know someone who you won't argue with," Hunter smirked.

The vulpine twins then stood aside for their aunt to have a turn with you. Tanya eyed you up and down before smirking, "Not bad for a runt," She then ruffled your hair before quickly pulling you close for a hug. She moved her head so that her muzzle was near your ear, "I'm glad your alright kid," She whispered before standing upright and looking down on you with a smile.

After that it was pretty much a free for all. Everyone remaining in the room, including Malcolm, pulled you aside for their own little moment with you while the governor watched on quietly. After everyone had finished, the governor had everyone in the room sit down as he moved to stand at the end of the table. "It's time for us to begin," He stated. "What is Silvia Deluma's status?"

Malcolm sat forward in his chair to give his answer, "Currently, she's being t city with a detachment of your men."

"And what of her agent?" The governor asked.

"We sent him back with her," Malcom replied.

"Very good," Mr. Kaln nodded. "With that handled, we have another matter to discuss." As governor Kaln shifted his gaze to you, you felt everyone else in the room do the same. "Malcolm? Did bring what I asked for?"

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