Chapter 33: Broken Bonds

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   Hiccup stared at the small rectangular window near the top of the wooden cell, watching the clouds slowly drift past in the unreachable distance of the sky.

   Hiccup wasn't a man to hold a grudge - at least not if his friends, family, or home weren't threatened, but he couldn't help but dwell on what he knew was a very plausible possibility.

   "Alaya wouldn't give up the Dragon Eye, would she?"  Fishlegs finally broke the tense silence that had been stirring between the Riders since the Hunters had stormed in and searched Hiccup until they found the Dragon Eye.

   Astrid scoffed.  "Not unless she's under threat.  You know Alaya, she's broken under pressure before."

   "Hey!  She's still as good of a rider as all of us."  Ruffnut snapped defensively.

   "Maybe even better!  So what if she has a few flaws?"  Tuffnut agreed.

   "It's not about her riding, Tuffnut - or her flaws!  It's that this is a mistake, a big one, one that can't be made."  Hiccup growled, turning from the window to face the twins.  "The Dragon Eye has knowledge that no hunter should be able to get ahold of."

   "And she gave it up!  Fantastic!"  Snotlout grumbled.

   "Well, what, did you want her to die for some stupid knowledge encased in some treasure?"  Ruffnut snapped, standing up.  "If it were Astrid would you be this mad?"

   Hiccup's mouth opened, but then he stopped, thinking about her words.  Astrid blinked in shock as Fishlegs nervously hummed.  Even Snotlout had his back turned to the conversation, leaving his expression a mystery.

   "Thought so!"  Ruffnut growled, turning away from Hiccup, Fishlegs, and Astrid, and sitting back down.

   Hiccup dwelled on what Ruffnut said.  As much as he denied it, she was right - what if they'd threatened Alaya with death?  That's the kind of pressure she'd break under.  She still could've found a way out.  We all have.  She has.  Hiccup thought, mad thoughts still stirring.  If she breaks under pressure and can't keep important secrets, should we really have let her become a Rider? 

   Alaya's face was buried in her knees.  I failed.  I failed them.  I failed them.  The thought kept repeating itself in Alaya's mind.  She knew the Hunters had it.  There had been excited, then victorious, chattering between the Hunters all day - a few had even thanked her as they walked by.  But she couldn't share their joy - which, obviously, was a good thing.

   Alaya had betrayed her friends, and more than that, she'd betrayed their trust, their belief in her, everything they'd thought she was was either gone or proven to be worse than they'd ever imagined.  

   Alaya sobbed.  I can't face them again.  They had to have put the pieces together.  Will the twins even forgive me?  Snotlout and Astrid definitely won't.  Alaya's thoughts paused on Hiccup.  How would he react?  She knew he'd been forgiving in the past with Alvin, but Alvin had never betrayed him like she had - at least, not as far as she'd heard.  

   Suddenly, there was a loud crash.  Alaya screamed as the wood beside her split apart as a flash of green burst through it.  The wall that had separated her from Moon had split apart, freeing the two of them along with splitting Dewdrop's cell open, but also flooding the boat.

   Water poured in like a wave, fast, freezing, and strong.  Moon had managed to think quickly and leap into the ocean right away, managing to barely clear the flood before it became too powerful, but Alaya hadn't.  

   The cage door behind Alaya creaked as she struggled sideways through the quickly rising water.  She then slammed into Dewdrop's cage door, which gave it the extra force needed to fall open.  The water slowly became less powerful, but it was still rising.  Alaya quickly tore off Dewdrop's muzzle, but when she tugged at the chains it did nothing.

   "Alaya!  Alaya, I'm scared."  Alaya looked up at Dewdrop to see wide eyes surrounded by pale green scales, a sign of pure fear.  

   "Okay, okay, don't worry, it's going to be okay."  Alaya's heartbeat was rapid.  She felt like she was lying, betraying her own words with her thoughts.  We're going to die here.  We're going to die here and I'm never going to be able to say I'm sorry and how much I feel bad and Hiccup and Astrid and Snotlout and Fishlegs and the twins are going to hate me forever.

   "Spray the chains!"  Alaya cried, scrambling back and clutching onto the cage door, out of the way.

   Dewdrop aimed a small venom blast at the bands on her wrist.  She looked up at Alaya, her scales even paler and her eyes even wider, silently screaming for help.  "It doesn't work."

   "Dewdrop, no!  Listen to me, we're going to get you out of here, okay?  I promise you!  I promise you!  Whatever happens, I'm not leaving you!"  Alaya cried, desperately tugging on the chains at the water rose.

   "Alaya, no!  It's hopeless."  Dewdrop said, her eyes leaking with tears as she gently traced Alaya's arm with her claw.  "It's okay.  It's okay, alright?  It's not your fault!"

   "It's not okay!  It's my fault!  I should've - done something!  I should've tried to free Paradise, not give in - I - I shouldn't have..."  Alaya trailed off, falling to her knees and putting her face in her hands.

   "It's okay."  Dewdrop said.  "It's okay, Alaya.  It's okay.  Find my mother, find Paradise, find Moon, get out of here.  Please.  For me."

   Alaya looked up at Dewdrop, shaking her head.  "No!  You're not dying here!"  She screamed.

   But even as she screamed, the water flowed over her and Dewdrop.  Alaya swam down, holding Dewdrop's head in her hands even as Dewdrop tried to shove her away.  Alaya shook her head, her eyes stinging, and put her head to Dewdrop's nose.

   Whatever happens, Dewdrop.  I'm not leaving you.  I'm never leaving you.  

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